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RiverSMART Help : Prior Release Notes : Release Notes RiverSMART 1.3
Release Notes RiverSMART 1.3
CSV and netCDF
New File types were added to RiverSMART for netCDF and CSV to represent these files that can be output from RiverWare. A new plugin, CSV Combiner, was added to combine CSV files from separate scenarios into a single CSV file representing a scenario set.
MRM Keyword/Value Descriptors
An interface was added to the RiverWare MRM Plugin to support adding keyword/value descriptors. These plus descriptors that are automatically generated to characterize a scenario and its inputs are written to the MRM configuration in RiverWare when a scenario is simulated. In RiverWare, MRM descriptors can optionally be written to output CSV and netCDF files.
Study Validation
A “Validate Study” menu item was added to the “Workspace” menu. This menu action checks if the study name and study folder have been specified, then gets a list of all the events and files on the workspace and calls the validation methods of each. Any validation errors encountered are reported to the user in a message box. If no errors are found, the message reports that validation was successful.
Diagnostics were made more uniform so that all configuration and execution errors issue correct messages. All plugins now issue start and end execution information messages allowing execution to be tracked within the diagnostic window. In addition, the spatial Disagg and temporal Disagg plugins now issue start and end messages for each trace or flow file name processed.
RiverSMART now has event activity reporting, meaning that when a plugin executes, it can return information on one or more activities it performs. The reporting can include a log file. Within the Simulate Scenarios and Post-Process Scenarios dialogs, activities are now shown as sub items in the tree view. Highlighting an activity shows summary information about the activity state at the bottom with a link to a log file if one is available.
The Simulate Scenarios and Post-Process Scenarios dialogs now have buttons at the end of Scenario lines that will open a Windows Explorer dialog to the directory that contains the scenario’s output.
Scenario Set Indications
If a post-processing event on the workspace is processing input by scenario set, an SS symbol now appears in the upper left corner of the event icon. The SS symbol is also included in dialogs where scenario sets are configured and used.
Modal Dialog Changes
Event configuration dialogs are no longer modal, meaning that other dialogs are now accessible when an event configuration dialog is open. Because this could lead to conflicts between configuring and processing, the following interaction between dialogs was maintained. The Simulate Scenarios and Post Process Scenarios are mutually exclusive from the event configuration dialogs. That is, the user cannot simulate or post process scenarios while the event configuration dialogs are open. Dialogs to view files used in event configurations are also no longer modal. This allows, for example, an R file to be opened and information copied from there into an R Plugin configuration dialog.
Scenario Naming when Regenerating
When regenerating the scenarios, the order of the pieces (i.e. the dimensions) in scenario names is now maintained as previously defined.
Revised: 01/10/2025