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Menu Operations
This section provides documentation of the RiverWISE menu operations.
File Menu
The File menu contains the following options for dealing with RiverWISE related files.
• Open WISE File. Closes the currently open WISE file, and opens a new one. You are prompted for the path of the WISE file to open, then it is opened.
• Save WISE File As. Saves the original model/run and baseline information along with any additional scenarios that you select. You are first prompted for the folder to which the new WISE file should be written, a custom tag, and to indicate which scenarios to include. Then the file is written. WISE files are written with the “.wise” suffix.
Note:  WISE files always include the original baseline scenario, all other scenarios are optional.
• Export Scenarios. Writes a file containing selected scenarios. You are first prompted for the folder to which the new Scenario file should be written, a custom tag, and to indicate which scenarios to include, then the file is written.
Exported scenario information includes scenario description, input data and result data sets. Since baseline data sets are always included in their WISE file, they cannot be exported to Scenario files. Scenario files are written with the “*.sce” suffix.
• Import Scenarios. Reads a set of scenarios from a Scenario file and appends them to the list of current scenarios. You are first prompted for the path of the Scenario file to be imported, and then the import occurs.
Only scenarios that were exported from the currently open WISE file can be imported. Imported scenarios are renamed as necessary to ensure that all scenario names are unique in the currently open WISE file.
• Export RiverWare Model. Saves a RiverWare model file that corresponds to the last scenario execution. You are first prompted for the path of the file to which the model should be saved, then it is saved to that file.
The resulting model file can be provided to the original model developer, who can then load it into RiverWare and analyze differences aspects of the simulation that are not available in RiverWISE.
Export Results to Excel. Export all of the numerical series slot results to an Excel file. This is described in more detail in Export Results to Excel.
• Close WISE File. Clears all information associated with the current WISE file, losing any unsaved changes.
• Exit. Exits RiverWISE. Any unsaved changes are lost.
Help Menu
Following are the Help Menu options:
• Open Help. Opens the RiverWISE documentation (this document) in a separate application.
• About RiverWISE. Opens a window which displays information about the RiverWISE application, including version and copyright information.
Revised: 01/10/2025