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Accounting : Data Object Exchanges : Data Object Exchange Overview
Data Object Exchange Overview
The data object exchange builder has the following capabilities:
• A row is created in a table on a data object. The row is labeled with the name of the exchange and the various columns in the table represent exchange characteristics.
• Series slots may be created on the data object to keep track of the amount of water exchanged. The slots are named <exchange name>Borrow and <exchange name>Payback.
• Borrow and payback supplies are created between desired accounts to create paths over which the exchange water moves. Optionally, the borrow supplies can be given a Destination Type of “Borrow” and the payback supplies can be given the Destination Type of “Payback”. Both borrow and payback supplies can be given a Release Type that is the name of the exchange.
• The Water Type of the source accounts for payback supplies may be given a type describing the exchange purpose.
Again, these are simply pieces of a Data Object Exchange, that when accessed with the RiverWare Policy Language (RPL), can be used to move water between accounts and track the water that was moved.
Revised: 01/10/2025