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Account Initial Request
These methods disaggregate the Annual Request (user input) slot on Diversion Accounts from a 1 Year timestep, to 1 Day or 1 Month timesteps on a set of accounts in the subbasin (typically used for water rights appropriations; see Water Rights Allocation in Accounting for details. The result is written into the Initial Request slot on the account. Initial Request is used by the Water Rights solver. You can specify the multipliers used to disaggregate the demands in terms of periodic or series data. In either case, RiverWare selects the proper periodic or series slots to use based on the timestep size from the run controller. Two timestep sizes are supported: 1 Day and 1 Month.
The method operates only on diversion accounts on objects in this subbasin on which the Disaggregated by Subbasin method is selected in the Initial Request category. See Disaggregated by Subbasin in Accounting.
The selected method is executed at the beginning of the run if this subbasin is enabled. It disaggregates the 1 Year timesteps into timesteps of the Initial Request slots on the accounts for the range of timesteps that covers both the run period and the accounting period.
Conceptually, the coefficients have units of 1/sec, so the Initial Request value for a given timestep is a flow, which is stored in internal units (cms).
flow = (Annual Demand in m3) * coefficient / seconds-in-the-given-timestep
If not all accounts in the subbasin use the same coefficients for disaggregation, alternative subbasins can be defined for each set of accounts that share coefficients.
* None
There are no slots or calculations associated with this method. Select this method if you do not want to disaggregate annual demands.
* Periodic Coefficients
This method uses a periodic slot to define the coefficients.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Daily Demand Coefficients
Type: Periodic Slot
Units: None
Description: Multipliers to be applied to an account’s Annual Request slot value to yield an Initial Request slot value in a non-leap year when the run timestep is a day.
 Daily Leap Year Demand Coefficients
Type: Periodic Slot
Units: None
Description: Multipliers to be applied to an account’s Annual Request slot value to yield an Initial Request slot value in a leap year when the run timestep is a day.
 Monthly Demand Coefficients
Type: Periodic Slot
Units: None
Description: Multipliers to be applied to an account’s Annual Request slot value to yield an Initial Request slot value in a non-leap year when the run timestep is a month.
 Monthly Leap Year Demand Coefficients
Type: Periodic Slot
Units: None
Description: Multipliers to be applied to an account’s Annual Request slot value to yield an Initial Request slot value in a leap year when the run timestep is a month.
Information: Not linkable
* Series Coefficients
This method uses a series slot to define the coefficients.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Daily Demand Coefficient Series
Type: Series Slot
Units: None
Description: Multipliers to be applied to an account’s Annual Request slot value to yield an Initial Request slot value when the run timestep is a day.
 Monthly Demand Coefficient Series
Type: Series Slot
Units: None
Description: Multipliers to be applied to an account’s Annual Request slot value to yield an Initial Request slot value when the run timestep is a month.
Revised: 01/10/2025