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Tandem Storage Management
This category appears only if the Operating Level Balancing method is selected in the Flood Control category. This method category allows the user to control the accuracy of the tandem storage calculations used to propose flood control releases.
The SUPER algorithm treats tandem storage as blocks of water moved, without regard to the times they are released or arrive.
Note:  This method exists for the purpose of approximating SUPER results.
* Do Not Route Tandem Storage
This is the default method.
SUPER treats tandem storage as blocks of water moved instantaneously, without regard to the times they are released or arrive. This method allows RiverWare to more closely mimic the SUPER behavior. Following are consequences of not routing the water.
• Water that is scheduled for tandem storage cannot be released as soon as it arrives; it can be released only at the end of the release schedule, and
• Such water is released at the end of the release schedule, even if it has not been released from above yet, or might all have arrived after the end of the forecast period, and
• Such water is accounted for in total when computing a Two-Reservoir Midpoint balance, or for computing space left in the flood pool for holding more tandem storage, regardless when it is released or might arrive, and
• Since the algorithm does not know when this water arrives at a tandem reservoir, it does not check, after the first timestep, that a release does not dip into the conservation pool.
There are no slots specific to this method.
* Route Tandem Storage
Water scheduled for tandem storage is routed, and its arrival times are known to the Operating Level Balancing method, so it can release the water as soon as possible. For the purpose of computing starting storages for the Two-Reservoir Midpoint, the method can be more accurate in its knowledge of the storages in the two reservoirs. Nevertheless, there are options for selecting the quantity of tandem storage water for which to account (see Tandem Storage Considered).
There are no slots specific to this method.
Revised: 01/10/2025