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Flooding Exception
This category appears at the selection of any regulation discharge method in the Regulation Discharge category, so is related to the operating level balancing approach to flood control. This category allows the user to specify reservoirs that are permitted to cause flooding at a control point.
* None
This default method for the category means no flooding exception is specified.
* Flooding Exception
This method associates with the control point a set of excepted reservoirs and an excepted flood release from each of those reservoirs. During execution of the Operating Level Balancing flood control method of the Flood Control category for a computational subbasin, the slots listed below are used in calculating a modified flood control release under the flooding exception part of the algorithm.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Excepted Reservoirs
Type: ListSlot
Units: NONE
Description: Contains a list of upstream reservoirs that are allowed to cause flooding at the control point.
Information: Each reservoir in this list automatically has a corresponding column created in the Excepted Flood Releases slot.
I/O: Required input
 Excepted Flood Releases
Type: TableSlot
Units: FLOW
Description: Contains the excepted flood release values associated with the reservoirs in the Excepted Reservoirs slot.
Information: This is a 1 x n table slot where a column is created to match each reservoir in the Excepted Reservoirs slot. The one flow value entered for each reservoir represents its excepted amount of flood release for the control point. (This represents the amount of water that may be released in one timestep from the reservoir, not the amount that will arrive at the control point after routing.)
I/O: Required input
Revised: 01/10/2025