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Objects and Methods : Inline Power Plant : User Methods : Inline Turbine Release and Bypass
Inline Turbine Release and Bypass
These methods determine how Turbine Release and Bypass are specified or calculated
* Specify Flows
In this default method, you can specify flows to be used in the Turbine Release and/or Bypass computation. You must specify a Max Turbine Release value and then take one of the following actions:
• Optionally, input or set Turbine Release with a rule
• Optionally, input or set Min Bypass with a rule
There are no slots specific to this method.
Method Details 
This method calculates Bypass and/or Turbine Release using the following algorithm.
1. If the Min Bypass slot is not user input, it is assumed to be zero.
2. The temporary Flow variable is set equal to the Inflow or Outflow, depending on the dispatch method that calls this method.
3. Next, the method checks to see if the Turbine Release value has been input or set by rules.
4. If it has, Bypass is calculated as Flow minus Turbine Release.
Several checks are performed to make sure that the specified Turbine Release is not greater than the Max Turbine Release and that Turbine Release plus Min Bypass is not greater than the Flow.
5. If Turbine Release is not input or set by rules, the Bypass is computed.
6. Once the Bypass value is known, Turbine Release can be set to the Flow minus the Bypass.
7. The flow used in the power method, PowerFlow is set equal to Turbine Release.
* Flow Tables
In this method, you define a table relating the flow to the Turbine Release and the flow to the Min Bypass. You can also specify the Min Bypass which takes precedence over this table.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Flow vs Min Bypass
Type: Table Slot
Units: Flow vs Flow
Description: This table relates the flow passing through the Inline Power object to the Min Bypass. The flow used in the first column is the Inflow (or Outflow).
Information: At the beginning of the run, this table is verified to ensure that the Min Bypass value is less than or equal to the Flow value, for each row of the table.
I/O: Required
 Flow vs Turbine Release
Type: Table Slot
Units: Flow vs Flow
Description: This table relates the flow passing through the Inline Power object to the flow passing through the Turbine Release. The flow used in the first column is the Inflow (or Outflow) minus the Min Bypass.
Information: At the beginning of the run, this table is verified to ensure that the Turbine Release value is less than or equal to the Flow value, for each row of the table. A sample table is shown to the right.
I/O: Required
Method Details 
1. At the beginning of the run, the Min Turbine Release at Max Generation (MinTRatMaxGen) is found on the Flow vs Power Table as follows. The largest power is found on the Flow Power Table and then the corresponding flow is used as the MinTRatMaxGen. This value represents the smallest flow that produces the maximum power generation; it is not the maximum turbine release. If the Flow Power Tables is not used, MinTRatMaxGen is set to the Max Turbine Release value.
2. Then, within the dispatch, this method calculates Bypass and Turbine Release using the following algorithm.
3. If the Turbine Release value has been input or set by rules, an error is issued.
4. Next, the temporary Flow variable (this was set by the dispatch method depending on whether Inflow or Outflow is known) is used to interpolate on the Flow vs Min Bypass table to obtain a Min Bypass value. This value is set on the Min Bypass slot, if not input or set by a rule.
5. A temporary PowerFlow variable is computed.
6. The PowerFlow value is used to interpolate on the Flow vs Turbine Release table to obtain a tempTurbineRelease.
Note:  PowerFlow and tempTurbineRelease are not necessarily equal.
7. If the PowerFlow is greater than the MinTRatMaxGen,
8. If the PowerFlow is less than or equal to MinTRatMaxGen,
9. Finally, Turbine Release is set.
10. An Error is issued if the Turbine Release is greater than the Max Turbine Release slot value.
11. Then final Bypass is computed.
12. The PowerFlow values is then passed to the Inline Power method; see Flow vs Power Table.
Revised: 01/10/2025