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Low Flow Releases
This category is only used to add the slots necessary for low flow release calculations. These slots are generally used by a RPL function (called MeetLowFlowRequirement)to compute the low flow releases necessary to meet the low flow requirements on control point objects.
* None
This method performs no calculations and adds no slots.
* Enable Low Flow Releases
This method performs no calculations. It simply adds the Low Flow Release slot and Maximum Low Flow Delivery Rate slot. See Low-flow Releases in USACE‑SWD Modeling Techniques for details on using this method for USACE-SWD.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Low Flow Release
Type: Series Slot
Units: flow
Description: The portion of the Outflow that is intended to meet a low flow requirement
Information: This slot is normally computed by a RPL function (MeetLowFlowRequirement) that computes the low flow releases necessary to meet the low flow requirements on control point objects.
I/O: Usually set by a rule
 Maximum Low Flow Delivery Rate
Type: Periodic Slot
Units: flow
Description: The maximum low flow delivery rate for the reservoir
Information: This value is used by the RPL function (MeetLowFlowRequirement) that determines the low flow releases from each reservoir. Low flow releases will be limited to this value.
I/O: Required input
Revised: 01/10/2025