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Objects and Methods : Pumped Storage Reservoir : User Methods : Pump and Release Accommodation
Pump and Release Accommodation
This method is used to specify whether pumping and release occur in the same timestep, or whether for a given timestep, the reservoir is either pumping, or releasing.
* Pump or Release Only
This is the default method. When selected, the reservoir may not pump and release on the same timestep. See Dispatch Methods for the dispatch methods available when this user method is selected.
* Pump and Release
This method is used when the user wishes to model pumping and releasing on the same timestep. This is mainly used for post optimization simulation where Pumped Flow and Outflow are both set as input as a result of the optimization run. Even though both Pumped Flow and Outflow are allowed to be inputted, one of the values has to be a zero. If both pumping and releasing are taking place, the user must specify the Pumped Energy and Energy resulting from releasing. See Dispatch Methods for the dispatch methods available when this user method is selected.
Revised: 01/10/2025