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Objects and Methods : Reach : User Methods : Drain Elevation
Drain Elevation
The Drain Elevation category is dependent on the Horizontal and Horizontal and Vertical Gradient Seepage methods. Each Reach may have horizontal seepage to multiple drains or shallow groundwater aquifers, each of which can have unique drainage characteristics. Drain related slots are designed so that users can add columns to provide information on each drain present. A drain may be a man-made drain or groundwater.
* None
None is the default for the category, and will result in an error if it is selected and a run is started.
* Constant
This method allows you to set a constant drain elevation.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Constant Drain WS Elev
Type: Table
Units: Length
Description: the elevation of the drain
Information: You can add additional columns if more than one drain is present.
I/O: Required input
* Variable Input
This method allows you to specify the drain elevation at each timestep.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Variable Drain WS Elev
Type: AggSeries
Units: Length
Description: the drain elevation at each timestep
Information: You can add additional columns if more than one drain is present.
I/O: Required input
* Flow Elevation Interpolation
This method calculates the drain elevation based upon flow through the drain (this method should be used only when drains are man-made as flow is unavailable for groundwater). A table interpolation of the Drain Flow vs Drain Elev table gives the elevation.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Drain Flow
Type: Agg Series
Units: Flow
Description: the flow through the drain
Information: You can add additional columns if more than one drain is present.
I/O: Required input
 Drain Flow vs Drain Elev
Type: Table
Units: Flow vs. length
Description: a table relating the drain flow to the drain elevation
Information: You can add additional columns if more than one drain is present.
I/O: Required input
* Stage Elevation Interpolation
This method should be used when the drain or groundwater elevation depends on the Reach Avg Stage (water surface elevation). It calculates the drain elevation based upon a specified table relationship of Reach Avg Stage and Drain Elev. You can also include a time lag using the Drain Time Lag slot representing a lagged relationship between the Reach and drain elevations.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Reach Stage vs Drain Elev
Type: Table
Units: length vs. length
Description: table relating the reach average stage (water surface elevation) to the drain elevation
Information: You can add additional blocks of columns if more than one drain is present.
I/O: Required input
 Drain Time Lag
Type: Table
Units: TIME
Description: the time for which the elevation should be lagged
Information: You can add additional columns if more than one drain is present.
I/O: Input only
Revised: 01/10/2025