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Objects and Methods : Reservoir Methods : User Methods : Diversion from Reservoir
Diversion from Reservoir
The Diversion from Reservoir user methods are applicable when a reservoir is linked to a diverting object (for example, AggDiversionSite, AggDistributionCanal, or Diversion Object). These methods simply create the slots which must be linked (by the user) to slots on the diverting object.
* None
This is the default for the Diversion from Reservoir category. It is used when the reservoir is not linked to a diverting object. If the reservoir is linked to a diverting object and this method is selected, the object will not solve correctly.
There are no slots specific to this method.
* Available Flow Based Diversion
This method must be selected when a reservoir is linked to either an AggDiversionSite, AggDistributionCanal, or a Diversion Object that is using the Available For Diversion Linked method. Selecting this method allows the Available for Diversion slot to be available for linking. The AggDiversionSite, AggDistributionCanal, and Diversion objects contain more information about diverting water from a reservoir.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Available for Diversion
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: represents the amount of water that may be diverted from the reservoir
I/O: Optional; can be input by the user or determined by RiverWare.
Method Details  
Available for Diversion can either be input by the user or calculated by the reservoir. If it is not input it is set as the previous Storage divided by the timestep length. The value is limited to not be negative.
No other calculations are performed if this method is selected.
* Head Based Diversion
This method may be selected when a reservoir is linked to a Diversion Object. Selecting this method allows the Previous Pool Elevation slot to be available for linking. The Diversion Object contains more information about diverting water from a Reservoir.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Previous Pool Elevation
Type: Series
Units: Length
Description: Pool Elevation value for the previous timestep
I/O: Output only
Revised: 01/10/2025