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Stream Gage Stage
The Stream Gage Stage category contains methods allowing you to configure optional stage computations. The methods in the category are executed by both dispatch methods.
When executed, this method looks up the Gage Inflow on the Stage Table and sets the Stage slot.
Note:  This method only computes the Stage, it does not do the reverse lookup to compute the flow from the Stage.
* None
The None method is the default for the category. This method does not add or set any slots. No stage is computed.
* Stage Table Lookup
The new Stage Table Lookup method looks up the Gage Inflow on a table and then sets the Stage slot.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Stage Table
Type: Table
Units: Flow vs Length
Description: This table represents the relationship between flow and gage height.
I/O: Required Input
Type: Series
Units: Length
Description: The timeseries of the stream gage water surface elevation
Information: The elevation datum is up to the user. If you are comparing to other objects, then a consistent datum is necessary.
I/O: Output only
Revised: 01/10/2025