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General Slots
General slots exist on the Water User regardless of the type of linking structure on the Agg Diversion Site.
 Depletion Requested
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Amount of water to be consumed, given the request is met
Information: Automatically linked to the Total Depletion Requested multislot on the Agg Diversion Site.
I/O: Input, output, or set by a rule
 Diversion Requested
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Amount of water requested by the Water User
Information: Automatically linked to the Total Diversion Requested multislot on the Agg Diversion Site.
I/O: Input, output, or set by a rule
 Water User Groups
Type: List Slot
Units: NA
Description: Contains the user-defined subbasins to which this Water User is a member. It can be used to encode and display attributes of the Water User. For example, a water user may only be able to use Imported Water while other water users may only use Basin Water. By defining a subbasin for Imported Water and one for Basin Water and adding the appropriate water users to each, you can keep summarize information about each group of users. Perhaps you wish to create an expression slot that sums up the total diversion requested for Imported Water. You can use the Imported Water subbasin. The Water User Groups slot then allows you to see, from each water user, the groups to which it belongs.
Information: This slot is a special type of list slot called Subbasin Membership List Slot. The values in the slot are the subbasins to which this water user is a member. To add/remove an entry from the slot, you must go to the subbasin manager and add/remove the water user from the particular subbasin. The slot does provide a menu option to open the subbasin manager File->Edit Subbasins.
I/O: Specified by subbasin membership.
Revised: 01/10/2025