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Model Loading and Saving
Name Enforcement
Names of objects and slots are now limited to lowercase letters (a through z), capital letters (A through Z), spaces ( ), and underscores (_). Models previously built under versions of PRSYM may contain illegal characters in their slot or object names. These characters are now converted to legal text representations during model loading. A List Notice window is generated to indicate the illegal names detected.
The converted names are displayed in the Diagnostics Output Window next to the old names. The RiverWare assigned names may be changed to any other legal name once the model is loaded. Renaming automatically updates expression slots, but will not update constraints, DMIs, or rules. A regular expression search-and-replace is recommended to easily update external files. Illegal characters are converted to the character name surrounded by underscores as below:
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Quick Saving
The Model Save command now saves the workspace over the currently loaded file without invoking a file chooser. Output values are saved with the model by default. To save the model under a different name, or to prevent output values from being included in the model file, select Model Save As..., and follow the Saving procedure as in previous versions of PRSYM. The last Save As... parameters are then used for all subsequent Save commands. This new behavior is consistent with other standard software packages, but may confuse long-time users of PRSYM. It is recommended to write-protect important model files to protect them from accidental loss.
Summary Info
A new Summary Info... command is available from the Model menu in the main RiverWare workspace window. The command generates slot instantiation diagnostics and memory usage statistics in the Diagnostics Output Window. The messages provide information on the number and visibility status of instantiated slots as well as the number of slot proxies for each object on the workspace. Summary Info also provides total model memory usage statistics for each type of slot, including their total number and the memory required for an empty slot.
Revised: 01/10/2025