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Special Attention Notes
• The Accounting calculations in RiverWare are still under development. Accounting should only be used by sponsors directly involved with the development process.
• The Optimization solver is now available to non-sponsors. It is a beta version. Please report any problems to CADSWES. Online documents for optimization will be released soon.
• Rulesets saved in the new release CANNOT be used in older executables. There is no message to warn the user about this. Rulesets saved under previous executables CAN be used with the new release however.
• An annual (yearly) timestep has been added to RiverWare along with the yearly units to support it. Documentation of the development of an annual timestep model and a comparison of its results to the monthly timestep model from which it was derived is available as a link in the sponsor area of the web site.
• It is important that users do not use the Confluence as a bifurcation object. Specifically, the Inflow slot on a Confluence object should not be linked to the Inflow or Return Flow slot on any other object. A bifurcation object is now available in RiverWare.
• The AggDiversionSite object, when using the sequential linking structure, has been modified to divert the diversion requirement as opposed to the Total Diversion Requested. See AggDiversionSite under the Simulation Objects section of these release notes for additional information.
Revised: 01/10/2025