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SCT Features
Many functions normally associated with running a model are available from the SCT, allowing you to use the SCT as a primary RiverWare interface. Following are some of the operations you can perform directly from the SCT.
• Open, run, and save models.
• View any times series data in the model, in any order.
• View the data in time-aggregated form.
• Edit and manipulate series slot data by entering values directly, adjusting them by a constant or percentage, interpolating, and copy and paste.
• Change series slot flags (such as Input, Output, and Target) using SCT toolbar buttons, keyboard shortcuts, and other utilities.
• Execute model runs.
• Enable and disable dispatching of certain objects.
• Plot slot values.
• Display the Diagnostics windows and information for debugging and simulation analysis.
• Access Data Management Interfaces (DMIs) to import and export data from the model.
• Run any scripts defined in the model.
Following are some of the ways you can customize the SCT to fit your needs.
• Configure multiple SCTs for the same model. Each SCT can include any slots, allowing you to view different areas of your basin or view the data in different ways.
• Open more than one SCT at a time and easily switch from one SCT to another.
• Create an SCT on the fly for a quick task.
• Define the included slots and the order in which they appear.
• Organize slots into logical groups and even sheets, for ease of viewing and management.
• Create a similar view of the same named slots on different objects.
• View timesteps vertically or horizontally and easily switch between the views.
• Aggregate groups of timesteps (for example, aggregate seven daily values into one weekly value) and specify whether to display only summary values, or summary and details.
• For series data, define Color Alerts that automatically change background or text color of a cell as the slot value meets specified conditions.
• Configure the look and feel of the SCT, including: font type, size, and color; divider colors; how missing values are shown; and how flags and priorities are shown.
Revised: 01/10/2025