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Water Quality : Groundwater Water Quality : User Methods : Groundwater Water Quality
Groundwater Water Quality
This category is used to specify the constituents and approach for water quality modeling
* None
No water quality is modeled and no slots are added.
* Layered Salt
The following slots are added based on the selected method in the Lateral Link Direction category. These slots represent salt and flow in each linked direction for both the upper and lower layer.
Storage Slots
The following storage slots are added for all methods in the Lateral Link Direction category.
 Storage Upper
Type: Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Storage in the upper layer.
I/O: Output only
 Storage Lower
Type: Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Storage in the lower layer.
I/O: Output only
 Storage Capacity Upper
Type: Scalar
Units: Volume
Description: The volume of water that can be stored in the upper layer when full
Information: This value is computed at beginning of run (read-only).
I/O: Output only
 Storage Proportion
Type: Series Slot
Units: No Units
Description: The proportion of the total storage that is in the upper layer
I/O: Output only
 Storage Proportion Previous
Type: Series Slot
Units: No Units
Description: The proportion of the total storage that is in the upper layer
Information: The Storage Proportion of the previous timestep.
I/O: Output only
 Storage Proportion Upstream, Downstream, Left and/or Right Previous
Type: Series Slot
Units: No Units
Description: The proportion of storage in the upper layer on the adjacent objects
Information: These are four distinct slots as specified by the selected method in the Lateral Link Direction category. There is a slot for each connected object.
I/O: Output only
 Upper Thickness
Type: Scalar
Units: Length
Description: The thickness of the upper layer
I/O: Required Input
Flow Slots
The following slots are added based on the Lateral Link Direction.
 Flow Upper Upstream, Downstream, Right, and/or Left
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: Lateral flow out of the object from the upper layer.
Information: These are four distinct slots as specified by the selected method in the Lateral Link Direction category. There is a slot for each connected object.
I/O: Output only
Type: Not linkable
 Flow Lower Upstream, Downstream Right, and/or Left
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: Lateral flow out of the object from the lower layer.
Information: These are four distinct slots as specified by the selected method in the Lateral Link Direction category. There is a slot for each connected object.
I/O: Output only
Storage and Lateral Flow Salt Slots
Following are salt mass and concentration slots associated with storage in the upper and lower layers and lateral flows.
 Salt Conc Upper
Type: Series
Units: Concentration
Description: Concentration of the well mixed upper layer
Information: Initial value is required
I/O: Output only
 Salt Conc Upper Previous
Type: Series
Units: Concentration
Description: The Salt Conc of the upper layer at the previous timestep
I/O: Output only
 Salt Conc Upper Upstream, Downstream, Left and/or Right Previous
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: The salt concentration in the upper layer on adjacent objects
Information: These are four distinct slots as specified by the selected method in the Lateral Link Direction category. There is a slot for each connected object.
I/O: Output only
 Salt Conc Lower
Type: Series
Units: Concentration
Description: Concentration of the well mixed Lower layer
Information: Initial value is required
I/O: Output only
 Salt Conc Lower Previous
Type: Series
Units: Concentration
Description: Concentration of the well mixed Lower layer at the previous timestep
I/O: Output only
 Salt Conc Lower Upstream, Downstream, Left and/or Right Previous
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: The salt concentration in the Lower layer on adjacent objects
Information: These are actually 4 separate slots as specified by the selected method in the Lateral Link Direction category. There is a slot for each connected object.
I/O: Output only
Specified Inflow Slots
Following are salt slots associated with the Specified Inflow.
 Specified Inflow Salt Concentration
Type: Series
Units: Concentration
Description: The salt concentration of the specified inflow slot.
I/O: Specified or output. If the Specified Inflow is negative or zero (out of the object), the salt concentration must be output. If the Specified Inflow is positive (into the object), then the salt concentration must be input or set by a rule.
 Specified Inflow Salt Mass
Type: Agg Series
Units: Mass
Description: The salt mass associated with the specified inflow slot.
Information: There are three columns for: Total, Upper, and Lower salt mass into the object.
I/O: Output only
 Specified Inflow Proportion
Type: Series Slot with Periodic Input
Units: No Units
Description: The proportion of the Specified Inflow that enters the upper layer.
Information: This value must be specified.
I/O: Input or Rules
Inflow from Surface Water Slots
Following are salt slots associated with Inflow from Surface Water. Surface water always enters/leaves the upper layer.
 Inflow from Surface Salt Concentration
Type: Multi
Units: Concentration
Description: This slot transfers the salt concentration to connected surface sources.
Information: There should be one link/column per column in the Inflow from Surface Water slot (or an error is posted at run start). The first column is the sum column, which is not relevant as these are concentrations not mass.
I/O: Output typically
 Inflow From Surface Salt Mass
Type: Series
Units: Mass
Description: This slot tracks the total mass (through all surface water links) that is transferred into (+) or out (-) of the surface of the groundwater object.
I/O: Output only
Percolation Slots
Percolation always enters/leaves the lower layer. Following are salt slots associated with Deep Percolation. They are automatically added when the Head Based Percolation method (Deep Percolation category) and Layered Salt are selected.
 Percolation Salt Concentration
Type: Series
Units: Concentration
Description: This slot transfers the salt concentration to the deep aquifer.
I/O: Output only
 Percolation Salt Mass
Type: Series
Units: Mass
Description: This slot displays the salt flus to the deep aquifer.
I/O: Output only
 Deep Aquifer Salt Conc
Type: Scalar
Units: Concentration
Description: This slot represents the deep aquifer salt concentration
Information: If Percolation Salt Concentration is not linked, this slot must have a value.
I/O: Required Input
Pumped Flow Slots
Following are salt slots associated with pumped flow. They are automatically added when the Input Pumped Flow method (Groundwater Pumping category) and Layered Salt are selected. Pumped flow can come out of either or both layers.
 Pumped Flow Proportion
Type: Series
Units: No Units
Description: The proportion of pumped flow that comes out of the upper layer.
I/O: Input, Rules, or Output
 Pumped Flow Salt Concentration
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: The well mixed salt concentration of the water coming out of both upper and lower layer
Information: When there are multiple links to this slot, the subslots will be shown. The first column is the sum column, which is not relevant as these are concentrations not mass.
I/O: Output only
 Pumped Flow Salt Mass
Type: Series
Units: Concentration
Description: The well mixed salt mass of the water coming out of both upper and lower layer
I/O: Output only
Revised: 01/10/2025