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Water Quality : Reach Water Quality : Solution/Dispatching
Beginning of Water Quality Run
The following behavior is executed one time at the beginning of the run. It is called from within beginning of run behavior on the Reach object.
1. If Diversion is not linked and not valid, set relevant Diversion parameter concentrations to zero.
2. If Return Flow is not linked and not valid, set relevant Return Flow parameter concentrations to zero.
3. If Return Flow Temperature is in use but not linked, issue an error if any values are missing.
4. If Local Inflow is not linked and not valid, set relevant Local Inflow parameter concentrations to zero.
5. If Specific Heat is not input, set it to 4.186 J/gC.
6. If Control Volume Explicit or Control Volume Implicit are selected water quality routing methods
– If modeling Temperature
• Check for Air Temperature, Dewpoint Temperature, and Solar Radiation data. If data is incomplete, then flag error and exit.
• If Wind Velocity data is incomplete, set is to zero.
• If Thermo Diffusion Coefficient Adjust data is incomplete, then fill values to 1.0.
– If Control Volume Explicit is selected water quality routing method, check for valid maximum flow value.
– If MacCormack or Muskingum Cunge routing, check for valid routing timestep.
• Check for initial heat and salt mass values. Flag error if not given.
• Call setWQInitConds (see setWQInitConds).
7. If modeling Total Dissolved Gas with time lag routing, check that the TDG Lag Time slot is valid. If using TDG Time Lag with Dispersion and Dissipation, also check that the TDG Dispersion Coefficients table has the required inputs.
Revised: 01/10/2025