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Note:  TDG-related slots are included in the TDG section; see Outflow TDG using Tailwater Depth.
Temperature Slots
 Reservoir Bottom Elevation
Type: Table Slot
Units: Length
Description: 1x1 table slot representing the elevation (above some common datum) of the bottom of the reservoir at the dam
Information: Used to calculate a mean depth at the dam.
 Thickness of Epilimnion
Type: Table Slot
Units: Length
Description: 1x1 table slot representing the thickness of the epilimnion layer
I/O: Must be input by user
 Thickness of Metalimnion
Type: Table Slot
Units: Length
Description: 1x1 table slot representing the thickness of the metalimnion layer (also known as the thermocline)
I/O: Must be input by user
 Elevation of Thermocline
Type: Series Slot
Units: Length
Description: Elevation of the thermocline.
Information: Pool Elevation minus the Epilimnion Thickness
I/O: Output only
 Inflow to Epilimnion
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Inflow contribution to the epilimnion layer
Information: Inflow to Hypolimnion + Inflow to Epilimnion = Inflow.
I/O: Output only
 Outflow from Epilimnion
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Portion of release coming from the epilimnion
I/O: Output only
 Epilimnion Volume
Type: Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Amount of water in the epilimnion
I/O: Output only
 Inflow to Hypolimnion
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Inflow contribution to the hypolimnion layer
Information: Hypolimnion inflow + epilimnion inflow = inflow.
I/O: Output only
 Outflow from Hypolimnion
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Portion of release coming from the hypolimnion
I/O: Output only
 Hypolimnion Volume
Type: Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Amount of water in the hypolimnion
Information: Output only
I/O: Not linkable
 Thermocline Diffusion Coefficient
Type: Series Slot
Units: AreaPerTime
Description: diffusion rate through thermocline
I/O: Output only
 Thermocline Diffusion Coefficient Adjustment
Type: Series Slot
Units: No units
Description: Scaling factor used to adjust diffusion depending on the Julian date
I/O: This slot is equal to 1.0 if not user input.
 Surface Area
Type: Series Slot
Units: Area
Description: Surface area of the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Elevation Area Table
Type: Table
Units: Length vs Area
Description: Table relating pool elevation to surface area
I/O: Required input
 Inflow Heat
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Heat
Description: Holds the values of inflow heat for each inflow to the reservoir
I/O: Input set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Outflow Heat
Type: Series Slot
Units: Heat
Description: Temperature of releases from the reservoir
I/O: Output only
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Temperature
Description: Contains the inflow temperature, outflow temperature, total inflow temperature, hydrologic inflow temperature, epilimnion temperature, and hypolimnion temperature.
I/O: Most values of this slot are calculated; however, hydrologic inflow temperature may be input and initial epilimnion and hypolimnion temperatures must be input.
 Diversion Temp
Type: Series Slot
Units: Temperature
Description: Temperature of Diversion.
I/O: Input set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Return Flow Temp
Type: Series Slot
Units: Temperature
Description: Temperature of Return Flow
I/O: Input, set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Canal Flow Temp
Type: Series Slot
Units: Temperature
Description: Temperature of Canal Flow
I/O: Input, set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Pump Storage Inflow Temp
Type: Series Slot
Units: Temperature
Description: Temperature of inflow from Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Pump Storage Outflow Temp
Type: Series Slot
Units: Temperature
Description: Temperature of outflow to Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Specific Heat of Water
Type: Table Slot
Units: SpecificHeat
Description: Specific heat of water. Used for heat / temperature conversions.
I/O: Input or defaults to standard value
 Heat of Evaporation
Type: Series Slot
Units: EnergyFlux
Description: Heat used in evaporation during the timestep
Information: Calculated by the calcHe function.
 Surface Heat Flux
Type: Series Slot
Units: EnergyFlux
Description: Total gain or loss from evaporation, incoming solar, convection, back radiation, and so on, at the reservoir surface
Information: Output only
I/O: Not linkable
 Air Temperature
Type: Series Slot
Units: Temperature
Description: Air temperature at the reservoir surface
I/O: Input only
 Dewpoint Temperature
Type: Series Slot
Units: Temperature
Description: Dewpoint temperature at the reservoir surface
I/O: Input only
 Incoming Solar Radiation
Type: Series Slot
Units: HeatFlux
Description: Incoming solar radiation received by the reservoir
I/O: Input only
 Wind Velocity
Type: Series Slot
Units: Velocity
Description: Wind velocity at reservoir surface
I/O: This slot is assumed to be zero if not a user input.
Salinity Slots
Well-mixed Salt Slots
 Inflow Salt Concentration
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Holds the values of inflow salinity for each inflow to the reservoir
Information: Because this slot is a Multi Slot, more than one link can be created to this slot which will add columns to the slot. The first column is the sum of the other columns but does not represent the inflow concentration. The dispatch methods do a weighted average to determine the weighted concentration, but this is not displayed in the slot.
I/O: Input, set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Inflow Salt Mass
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Holds the values of inflow salinity for each inflow to the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Hydrologic Inflow Salt Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration of hydrologic inflows.
I/O: Input, set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Hydrologic Inflow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: MASS
Description: Holds the values of inflow salinity for each hydrologic inflow to the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Diversion Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration of Diversion.
I/O: Input, set by a rule; output or propagated by a link. Allowed I/O is based on methods selected.
 Diversion Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Mass values of salt that is diverted from the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Return Flow Salt Mass
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Mass values of salt in each return flow to the reservoir.
I/O: Input, set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Return Flow Salt Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration for the return flow to the reservoir.
I/O: Output only
 Outflow Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salinity of releases from the reservoir
I/O: Input, set by a rule; output or propagated by a link
 Outflow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt mass in releases from the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Reservoir Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration of reservoir
Information: If not input at the initial timestep, this will default to zero.
I/O: Output only
 Reservoir Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Mass of salt in the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Dead Storage
Type: Table Slot
Units: Volume
Description: dead storage volume.
I/O: Input, if not valid at initial timestep, this will default to zero.
Layered Salt Slots
The following slots are added for the Layered Salt, Layered Temp and Salt, and Layered Temp Salt and DO.
 Inflow Salt Mass
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Holds the values of inflow salinity for each inflow to the reservoir
I/O: Input, rules, output, or propagated via a link
 Inflow Salt Concentration
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Holds the values of inflow salinity for each inflow to the reservoir
Information: Because this slot is a Multi Slot, more than one link can be created to this slot which will add columns to the slot. The first column is the sum of the other columns but does not correctly represent the inflow concentration. The dispatch methods do a weighted average to determine the weighted concentration, but this is not displayed in the slot.
I/O: Input, rules, output, or propagated via a link.
 Outflow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt mass in releases from the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Outflow Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Holds the values of outflow salinity from the reservoir
I/O: Output
 Salt Concentrations
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Contains the inflow salt concentration, outflow salt concentration, total inflow salt concentration, hydrologic inflow salt concentration, epilimnion salt concentration, and hypolimnion salt concentration.
I/O: Most values of this slot are calculated; however, hydrologic inflow salt concentration may be input and initial epilimnion and hypolimnion salt concentrations must be input.
 Diversion Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration of Diversion.
I/O: Input, rules, output, or propagated via a link
 Return Flow Salt Conc
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration of Return Flow.
Information: When there are multiple links to this slot, the subslots will be shown. The first column is the sum column, which is not relevant as these are concentrations not mass.
I/O: Input, rules, output, or propagated via a link
 Canal Flow Salt Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration of Canal Flow.
I/O: Input, rules, output, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Inflow Salt
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration of inflow from Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Outflow Salt
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration of outflow to Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Inflow2 Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Holds the values of Inflow2 salinity to the reservoir
Information: This slot is on a Sloped Power Reservoir only.
I/O: Input, propagated, or set by a rule.
 Inflow2 Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Holds the values of Inflow2 salt mass entering the reservoir
Information: This slot is on a Sloped Power Reservoir only.
I/O: Output only
Segmented 2 Layer Salt Slots
Flow and Volume Slots
 Epilimnion Inflow By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow into the epilimnion for each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Hypolimnion Inflow By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow into hypolimnion for each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Epilimnion Outflow By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow out of the epilimnion for each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Hypolimnion Outflow By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow out of hypolimnion for each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Epilimnion Volume By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Volume in the epilimnion for each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Hypolimnion Volume By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Volume in the hypolimnion for each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Vertical Flow By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Flow from the epilimnion to hypolimnion in the reservoir.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output Only
 Bank Storage By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Volume in the bank storage for each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Diversion By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Diversions from each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Return Flow By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Return flow to each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Hydrologic Inflow By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Flow
Description: Hydrologic inflows to each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Evaporation By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Volume of evaporation from each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Precipitation By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Volume
Description: Volume of precipitation into each reservoir segment.
Information: There is one column for each reservoir segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
Salt Concentration and Mass Slots
 Inflow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Mass of salt entering the reservoir in the inflow.
I/O: Input or Output
 Inflow Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration entering in the inflow.
I/O: Input or Output
 Outflow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Mass of salt leaving the reservoir in the outflow.
I/O: Output only
 Outflow Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration leaving the reservoir.
I/O: Output only
 Diversion Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Mass leaving the reservoir in diversions.
I/O: Output only
 Diversion Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration in the diversions from the reservoir.
I/O: Output only
 Return Flow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Mass entering the reservoir in return flows.
I/O: Output only
 Return Flow Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration reentering the reservoir in the return flow.
I/O: Output only
 Hydrologic inflow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Mass entering the reservoir in hydrologic inflows.
I/O: Output only
 Hydrologic Inflow Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration entering the reservoir in the hydrologic inflows.
I/O: Input or output
 Bank Storage Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration in the bank storage.
I/O: Output only
 Epilimnion Salt Concentration By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration in the epilimnion of each segment.
Information: One column for each segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Epilimnion Salt Mass By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt mass in the epilimnion of each segment.
Information: One column for each segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Hypolimnion Salt Concentration By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration in the hypolimnion of each segment.
Information: One column for each segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Hypolimnion Salt Mass By Segment
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt mass in the hypolimnion of each segment.
Information: One column for each segment. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in this aggregate series slot.
I/O: Output only
 Reservoir Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt mass in the entire volume of the reservoir.
I/O: Output only
Method Parameter Slots
 Thermocline Elevation
Type: Scalar
Units: Length
Description: Elevation where the hypolimnion and epilimnion are separated. This elevation is constant.
I/O: Input only
 Thermocline Thickness
Type: Series with periodic input
Units: Length
Description: Thickness of the thermocline; used to calculate diffusion between the epilimnion and hypolimnion.
I/O: Input only
 Thermocline Diffusivity
Type: Series with periodic input
Units: Area per time
Description: Diffusivity of the thermocline; used to calculate the diffusion of salt across the thermocline.
I/O: Input only
 Number of Segments
Type: Scalar
Units: None
Description: Specifies the total number of segments, N, in the reservoir.
Information: This slot is used to update other Agg Series and Table slots with the correct number of segments. The model must be initialized to update the number of segments in the other slots slot.
I/O: Input only
 Segment Parameter Table
Type: Table Slot
Units: None
Description: This slot holds segment parameters, including the Segment Bank Storage Proportion, the Segment Diversion Proportion, the Segment Return Flow Proportion, and the Segment Hydrologic Inflow Proportion.
Information: There will be four columns: Segment Bank Storage Proportion, Segment Diversion Proportion, Segment Return Flow Proportion, and Segment Hydrologic Inflow Proportion. The values in each column must add to 1.
I/O: Input only
 Dead Storage
Type: Table
Units: Volume
Description: Reservoir volume not accessible to outflow from the reservoir, and therefore not included in the Elevation Volume Table. This volume will be included in concentration and interior flow calculations for the reservoir.
Information: There is a row for each segment.
I/O: Input only
 Elevation Volume Table By Segment
Type: Table Slot
Units: Length, Volume
Description: The Elevation Volume table for each segment will be input by the user. All the Elevation Volume Segment tables should add up to the reservoir Elevation Volume table plus the dead storage. The Dead Storage should not be added into the Elevation Storage Segment Table.
Information: The first column will be elevation. The second will be the first segment, and each additional column added to the table will be for any additional segments.
I/O: Input only
 Elevation Area Table By Segment
Type: Table Slot
Units: Length, Area
Description: The Elevation Area table for each segment will be input by the user. All the Elevation Area Segment tables should add up to the reservoir Elevation Surface Area table.
Information: The first column will be elevation. The second will be the first segment, and each additional column added to the table will be for any additional segments.
I/O: Input only
Dissolved Oxygen Slots
 Inflow Detritus Mass
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Holds the values of inflow detritus for each inflow to the reservoir
I/O: Typically a Required Known when simulating DO. Input, rules, or propagated via a link.
 Outflow Detritus Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Detritus mass in releases from the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Detritus Concentrations
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Contains the inflow detritus concentration, outflow detritus concentration, total inflow detritus concentration, hydrologic inflow detritus concentration, epilimnion detritus concentration, and hypolimnion detritus concentration.
I/O: Most values of this slot are calculated; however, hydrologic inflow detritus concentration may be input and initial epilimnion and hypolimnion detritus concentrations must be input.
 Inflow Dissolved Organics Mass
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Holds the values of inflow dissolved oxygen for each inflow to the reservoir
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Outflow Dissolved Organics Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Dissolved oxygen mass in releases from the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Inflow Dissolved Oxygen Mass
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Holds the values of inflow dissolved oxygen for each inflow to the reservoir
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Diversion Detritus Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of Diversion.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Return Flow Detritus Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of Return Flow.
I/O: Input, rules, output, or propagated via a link
 Canal Flow Detritus Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of Canal Flow.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Inflow Detritus
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of inflow from Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Outflow Detritus
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of outflow to Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Dissolved Organics Concentrations
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Contains the inflow dissolved organics concentration, outflow dissolved organics concentration, total inflow dissolved organics concentration, hydrologic inflow dissolved organics concentration, epilimnion dissolved organics concentration, and hypolimnion dissolved organics concentration.
I/O: Most values of this slot are calculated; however, hydrologic inflow dissolved organics concentration may be input and initial epilimnion and hypolimnion dissolved organics concentrations must be input.
 Diversion Dissolved Organics Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved organics concentration of Diversion.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Return Flow Dissolved Organics Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved organics concentration of Return Flow.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Canal Flow Dissolved Organics Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved organics concentration of Canal Flow.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Inflow Organics
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved organics concentration of inflow from Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Outflow Organics
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved organics concentration of outflow to Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Inflow Ammonia Mass
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Holds the values of inflow ammonia for each inflow to the reservoir
I/O: Typically a Required Known when simulating DO; Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Outflow Ammonia Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Ammonia mass in releases from the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Ammonia Concentrations
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Contains the inflow detritus concentration, outflow detritus concentration, total inflow detritus concentration, hydrologic inflow detritus concentration, epilimnion detritus concentration, and hypolimnion detritus concentration.
I/O: Most values of this slot are calculated; however, hydrologic inflow detritus concentration may be input and initial epilimnion and hypolimnion detritus concentrations must be input.
 Diversion Ammonia Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of Diversion.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Return Flow Ammonia Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of Return Flow.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Canal Flow Ammonia Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of Canal Flow.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Inflow Ammonia
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of inflow from Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Outflow Ammonia
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Detritus concentration of outflow to Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Outflow Dissolved Oxygen Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Dissolved oxygen mass in releases from the reservoir
I/O: Output only
 Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations
Type: Agg Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Contains the inflow dissolved oxygen concentration, outflow dissolved oxygen concentration, total inflow dissolved oxygen concentration, hydrologic inflow dissolved oxygen concentration, epilimnion dissolved oxygen concentration, and hypolimnion dissolved oxygen concentration.
I/O: Most values of this slot are calculated; however, hydrologic inflow dissolved oxygen concentration may be input and initial epilimnion and hypolimnion dissolved oxygen concentrations must be input.
 Diversion Dissolved Oxygen Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved oxygen concentration of Diversion.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Return Flow Dissolved Oxygen Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved oxygen concentration of Return Flow.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Canal Flow Dissolved Oxygen Conc
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved oxygen concentration of Canal Flow.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Inflow Dissolved Oxygen
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved oxygen concentration of inflow from Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Pump Storage Outflow Dissolved Oxygen
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Dissolved oxygen concentration of outflow to Pumped Storage Reservoir.
I/O: Input, rules, or propagated via a link
 Detritus Parameters
Type: Table Slot
Units: Various
Description: Parameter data for detritus calculations.
Information: Contains the maximum detritus decay rate (KmaxDet [1/T]), a detritus settling rate (Kset [L/T]), an oxygen stoichiometric coefficient for detritus (rDet [M/M]), and S-curve temperature correction data (K1, K2 [1/T], and T1, T2 [degC]).
I/O: Input only
 Ammonia Parameters
Type: Table Slot
Units: Various
Description: Parameter data for ammonia calculations.
Information: Contains the maximum ammonia decay rate (KmaxAmm [1/T]), an oxygen stoichiometric coefficient for ammonia (rAmm [M/M]), and S-curve temperature correction data (K1, K2 [1/T], T1, T2 [degC]).
I/O: Input only
 Dissolved Organics Parameters
Type: Table Slot
Units: Various
Description: Parameter data for dissolved organics calculations.
Information: Contains the maximum dissolved organics decay rate (KmaxOrg [1/T]), an oxygen stoichiometric coefficient for dissolved organics (rOrg [M/M]), and S-curve temperature correction data (K1, K2 [1/T], T1, T2 [degC]).
I/O: Input only
 SOD Parameters
Type: Table Slot
Units: Various
Description: Contains parameter data for sediment oxygen demand calculations.
Information: Contains the maximum sediment oxygen demand (KmaxSOD [M/L2 T]), a calibration coefficient for sediment oxygen demand (fSOD [None]), and S-curve temperature correction data (K1, K2 [1/T], T1, T2 [degC]).
I/O: Input only
 Photosynthesis Parameters
Type: Table Slot
Units: Various
Description: Contains parameter data for photosynthesis calculations.
Information: Contains the maximum photosynthesis rate at 20 degrees C (Pmax20 [M/L2 T]), a temperature correction coefficient for Pmax20 (thetaP [None]), a calibration coefficient for respiration (fPhoto [None]), maximum possible solar radiation (Emax [kcal/L2 T]), fraction of solar radiation absorbed at surface (beta [None]), and the extinction coefficient for solar radiation (eta [1/L]).
I/O: Input only
 Respiration Parameters
Type: Table Slot
Units: Various
Description: Contains parameter data for respiration calculations.
Information: Contains the maximum respiration rate at 20 degrees C (KmaxResp [M/L3 T]), a temperature correction coefficient for KmaxResp (thetaR [None]), a calibration coefficient for respiration (fResp [None]), and double S-curve temperature correction data (K1, K2, K3, K4 [1/T], T1, T2, T3, T4 [degC]).
I/O: Input only
Revised: 01/10/2025