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Run Control
Date Range
The range of allowable timeseries dates has been expanded to include all years between 1800 and 2300 A.D. All simulation calculations and/or value assignments performed within this range are valid.
Yearly Timestep
The Yearly timestep has been enabled as a valid simulation timestep. This step may be selected in the Run Control and slot Time Series Range dialogs.
Setting Run Times
The results of changing run times in the Run Control dialog have been updated to be more consistent. A change to the Initial, Finish, or Duration parameter now affects the run times as follows:
• A change to the Initial time modifies the Finish time accordingly. Duration remains the same.
• A change to the Finish time modifies the Duration accordingly. Initial time remains the same.
• A change to the Duration modifies the Finish time accordingly. Initial time remains the same.
Control Buttons
The behavior of the Run Control buttons has been revised. The Start button is no longer active during a paused run, and the Start and Step buttons now execute from the initial timestep when a run is stopped. The current behavior of all of the buttons is:
• Start: Execute a run from the initial timestep.
• Step: Execute the next timestep only. (If no run is in progress or a run is stopped, execute the first timestep.)
• Pause: Interrupt execution after the current timestep.
• Continue: Resume execution from the current timestep.
• Stop: Abort execution after the current timestep.
Loading State
The Simulation Run Status window has been expanded to include the execution state Loading. This state is displayed if the Run Status window is open while a model is loading. Once the model has completed loading, the status reverts to Loaded.
Stop During Initialization
A run may now be stopped during the initialization timestep. Previously, the Stop command would only be processed at the end of the timestep. In large models, this initialization could often take a significant amount of time to execute. The Stop command now intervenes to abort the run during this timestep.
Revised: 01/10/2025