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SCT (System Control Table)
Shaded Rules Flag Values
Slot values which have an R (Rule) flag are now shaded light green in the SCT. This flag information was previously available only in the open slot dialog and Model Run Analysis dialog. The new shading appears in the SCT legend as shown below:
All of the shading possibilities are now:
• O = Output (any series slot)
• I =Input (any series slot)
• B=Best Efficiency (Energy slot)
• M=Max Capacity (Energy and Outflow slots)
• D=Drift (Regulated Spill and Bypass slots)
• R=Rule (any series slot)
Unlike the other flags, the Rule flag may not be set directly by the user.
Outlined Target Ranges
All target ranges are now outlined in the SCT. The outline is drawn from each tb or TB flag (Target Begin) to the corresponding T flag (Target) on Storage and Pool Elevation slots. Prior versions of RiverWare only outlined target ranges which began with an explicit TB flag. While we still recommend that you mark the beginnings of target ranges with explicit TB flags, there are situations in which this may not be possible.
Revised: 01/10/2025