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Special Attention Notes
Following are special attention notes, indicating that functionality has changed that requires you to update models, that results may differ, or you might get a warning message when you first load a model in 7.2:
• Save Precision: When saving model files, there is no longer an option to save with “extended precision” or regular precision. Instead, now input values are always saved with full precision (17 digits) while output values are saved with a user specified precision. Because saving full precision of input values will increase model size, you may want to decrease the precision of saved output values. This will allow you to offset model size growth as desired. The Confirm Save Model dialog gives you an indication of the uncompressed size of series data as you change the output precision.
• Groundwater Solution: The Head Based Groundwater solution was modified to prevent negative storage. The new application of Percolation, Evaporation and Evapotranspiration are always applied and thus, could result in model differences for models that previously produced negative Groundwater Storage values.
• Inline Power Pre-simulation Dispatching: The Inline Power Plant is now able to dispatch before the start of the run. As a result, if your model has pre-simulation inputs, you may need to clear those out to prevent an over determination error.
• Obsolete Optimization Categories: The unused Optimization WU Request Category and the Aggregate Optimization Requests category were removed from the Water User and from the Agg Diversion Site, respectively. Warning messages are posted when a model is first loaded in 7.2.
• Three Dimensional Table Interpolation changes: Within three dimensional table interpolation, the “convex hull” test was loosened. But if the test fails, it is now a fatal error. This could cause existing models to abort when previously they did not. If an abort occurs, modify your 3 dimensional table by editing or adding data points.
• CompletePartialDate with Offset: Previously, the CompletePartialDate RPL Predefined Function could return an incorrect value when the reference date had an offset. For example: CompletePartialDate(@“October 1”, @“t + 1 year”) This problem (Issue #6038) has been corrected, but the change could lead to model differences in models that use an offset within the CompletePartialDate function.
If you have any questions, contact:
Revised: 01/10/2025