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Special Attention Notes
Following are special attention notes, indicating that functionality has changed that requires you to update models, that results may differ, or you might get a warning message when you first load a model in Version 7.3. If you have any questions, contact:
Water User and Agg Diversion Site Notes
The following changes in behavior were made.
Note:  See Water User and Agg Diversion Site and Water User / Agg Diversion Site for Water User and Agg Diversion Site enhancements.
Water User Return Flow Split method
The existing Return Flow Split method Irrigated Area GW Return Rate was modified to correctly split the Total Return Flow, when using a Conjunctive Use method, instead of splitting Return Flow. This change makes the method consistent with other Return Flow Split methods but may change results.
Water User Salinity
It is now an error if a Return Flow Routing method other than None is selected and salinity is being model.
Changed Category Name
The Salt Storage category name was changed to be the Salt Storage and Loading category. When you first open your model in Version 7.3, you will see messages about the name change. No action is necessary.
Modified Slot Dependency
On the Water User, the Salt Storage slot for the stand-alone and sequential water users was moved from a general slot to a new separate method called Salt Storage in the Salt Storage and Loading category. You should select this method if you want to store salt on the water user as before.
Propagation of Supplement Return Flow
For sequential users, when using any of the Supplemental Diversion methods (with or without Soil Moisture), the Supplement Return Flow is now included in Total Return Flow and the Outgoing Available Water, when neither are linked. This water is passed to the next element in the aggregate. This change could increase the volume of water available for downstream users.
Storage and Level Power Reservoir Notes
On the Storage and Level Power Reservoir, the Hydrologic Inflow and Loss method was not executing correctly when Inflow was computed to be less than zero. Now the method will correctly set the Inflow to zero and set the negative value on the Hydrologic Inflow Adjust slot, as intended.
Power Reservoir—Unit Generator Notes
The Unit Generator Power method was not using the Pool Elevation slot value correctly when computing the Operating Head. As a result, it was calculating Operating Head using only the previous Pool Elevation, not the average from the previous timestep and the current timestep. This was fixed to be correct but could change model results.
Revised: 01/10/2025