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Special Attention Notes and Known Issues
The section describes special attention notes that indicate changes in functionality that require you to update models, cause model results to differ, or display a warning message when you first load a model in RiverWare 8.2. Also listed are important known issues.
If you have any questions, contact RiverWare Support:
DSS Dataset DMI Known Issue With DSS 7
An error condition was identified when an input DMI containing a DSS dataset attempts to import data from a DSS file saved in version 7. For certain types of data, the import fails with a read error. This is filed as issue RW‑6549. CADSWES plans to address this issue in the next few months. In the meantime, as a workaround, you can save the version 7 file in the version 6 format in DSSVue.
Fix to RPL Function for Accounting
The RPL function ObjAcctSupplyByWaterTypeRelTypeDestType returned incorrect supplies due to an inadvertent change in RiverWare 8.0. The fix to RW‑6546 restored the function to its original behavior.
Note:  This fix could change accounting model results.
Fix to RPL Function HasRuleFiredSuccessfully
The RPL function HasRuleFiredSuccessfully did not issue an error correctly when the name of the rule did not exist. With this fix, a model can now error when previously it did not. For example, if you misspelled a rule name, previously, it would return the result for the current rule. Now it will error if the name can not be found. As before, the special strings “This Rule”, “Current Rule”, and “Current Method” (with or without spaces) allow you to reference the currently executing rule or method.
Note:  This change could cause a new error. To fix, modify the rule/method name referenced by the function.
Reservoir Operating Level Storage Slots
The following slots were added to the methods in the Operating Levels and Surcharge Release categories:
• Bottom of Conservation Pool Storage
• Top of Conservation Pool Storage
• Top of Flood Pool Storage
These time series slots hold the storage at the appropriate operating level. The slots were added for performance reasons; instead of accessing the periodic operating level table slots each time, these new slots are used for quicker access. In some long-term planning models, the run time improved by three percent. In certain situations, these new slots could lead to new error conditions or different results in the Operating Level slots.
Tip:  The new slots could be useful for display in output devices, such as on teacups in an output canvas.
For more information on these slots, see Operating Levels in Objects and Methods.
Slope Power Reservoir Weighting Coefficients Method
The following two items were identified requiring special attention when using the Slope Power Reservoir Weighting Coefficients method.
Weighting Coefficients Method Computation Error Fixed
The fix to RW‑6534 resolved a computation error affecting slope power reservoirs that use the Weighting Coefficients method in the Slope Storage Coefficients method category. When a RPL predefined function operating on a reservoir, such as SolveSlopeStorageGivenInflowOutflow or GetMaxOutflowGivenInflow, passed an inflow value as an argument, the computation incorrectly used the Inflow slot value when it applied the Profile Storage Coefficients for the current timestep. When the Inflow slot value was NaN, the computation incorrectly used zero. The computation now correctly uses the inflow value from the function as intended.
Note:  This fix could change model results.
Weighting Coefficients Method Potential Error for NaN Values
A potential issue was identified for slope power reservoirs that use the Weighting Coefficients method. If a value is NaN for Inflow, Outflow, or Hydrologic Inflow for any previous timestep corresponding to the number of Partition Profile Coefficients, when the object dispatches, a zero value is used instead of NaN. This is most likely to occur when values are NaN for pre-simulation timesteps, and it can produce incorrect results. See Weighting Coefficients in Objects and Methods for details on the potential effects.
Note:  To address this known issue, it is recommended that you check all models with slope power reservoirs to verify that all necessary values are present on pre-simulation timesteps.
Revised: 01/10/2025