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The following changes were made to Optimization.
New None Method for Optimization Backwater
A new default method of “None” was added to the Optimization Backwater category. The method allows the Pool Elevation and Backwater Elevation variables to be defined in the optimization goal set. See Optimization Backwater in Optimization for more information.
Optimization Restore Points
Optimization Restore Points allow an optimization problem to be saved at an intermediate point. A subsequent run can then use that saved state as an advanced start. Restore Points were refined in the following manner:
• An improvement was made to the handling of constraints that shrink to higher priority constraints of the same form.
• The precision used for RPL unit conversion factors in Restore Points was increased.
• A problem was addressed in the handling of slot variable bounds.
These improvements were made to guarantee that the restored optimization problem matches the state of the problem when the Restore Point was created. These changes only affect optimization models that use a Restore Point. See Restore Point in Optimization for more information on Optimization Restore Points.
Updated CPLEX Version
RiverWare’s Optimization controller uses CPLEX as the optimization solver. The version of CPLEX used by RiverWare was updated to CPLEX 22.1.0. No changes are required by the user.
Script Action to Set Optimization Parameters
The Set Optimization Parameter script action now supports setting parameters of type “Real Number” and “Enumeration” in addition to the existing functionality to set Integer parameters. For example, this allows the LP Method to be set via a script. See Set Optimization Parameter in Automation Tools for information on this action.
Revised: 01/10/2025