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General RiverWare
The following changes were made to general RiverWare utilities.
Performance Improvement
The following performance improvements were made:
• A performance improvement was implemented to speed up interactive runs. This improvement is especially apparent when Script Dashboards are open during a run.
• Model load time for certain accounting models was unnecessarily slow. This addressed issue RW-6969.
Graphics Library Updates
The Qt graphics library used by RiverWare was updated. With this upgrade, there are minor interface and font differences. Also, the following was modified by this update:
• The default font changed as described in Default Font.
• The display was improved for multiple monitors at different resolutions or scaling factors.
Confirmation When Loading Files
The load file confirmation dialog is shown when there is a mismatch between the version of RiverWare that saved a file and the version of RiverWare that is opening or loading the file. This dialog was re-designed to be more informative and easier to use. This change primarily affects loading models and RPL Sets. A sample is shown below.
Figure 1.2  Sample Load File Confirmation
Revised: 01/10/2025