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System Control Table (SCT) : SCT Reference : Integer-indexed SCTs : SCT Configuration dialog box, Horz Time tab
SCT Configuration dialog box, Horz Time tab
The following items are renamed.
• The tab is changed to Horz Index.
• The description is changed to “Horizontal Index Orientation Settings”.
The following options are set to the specified state and made not available.
• Column Headers: Include Weekday, cleared
• Column Headers: Hide Hours if all “24:00”, cleared
• Show Column: Agg. Summary Function, cleared
• Draw 1-Hour Divider Columns, cleared
• Draw 4-Hour Divider Columns, cleared
• Draw 6-Hour Divider Columns, cleared
• Draw Day Divider Columns, cleared
• Draw Weekend Divider Columns, cleared
• Draw Month Divider Columns, cleared
• Draw Year Divider Columns, cleared
Revised: 01/10/2025