The methods in this category represent whether pumping is modeled from this aquifer.
No pumping is modeled. This is the default method.
Input or Linked
The pumping out of the aquifer is modeled by specifying the pumped flow or linking it to another object, often a water user.
Slots Specific to This Method
Available for Pumping
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: This is the amount of water that can be pumped from storage.
Information: If not input, it is calculated based on the previous computational timestep’s storage value and averaged over the computational timestep. The values are at the run timestep.
I/O: Optional input
Links: This slot is often linked to the Available Supplemental Water slot on a Water User or Agg Diversion Site.
Pumped Flow
Type: Series
Units: Flow
Description: This is the amount of water pumped from storage. A positive value is out of the aquifer.
Information: If not input, it is should be linked to a slot on another object. Often the other object is providing the values. The values are always at the run timestep.
I/O: Optional input or propagated from another object.
Links: This slot is often linked to the Supplemental Water slot on a Water User or Agg Diversion Site.
Method Details
This method computes an internal variable that represents the average pumped flow out of the aquifer: