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Water Quality : Distribution Canal Water Quality
Water Quality
Distribution Canal Water Quality
Distribution Canals have water quality methods to model salt by calculating the total salt mass of the inflow, diversion, return flow, and outflow. Routing methods (No Routing and Time Lag) are provided to route the salt through the canal.
The Water User can currently only model salt.
Note:  There are no user-selectable methods on the Distribution Canal. The water quality methods are specified on the aggregate and is performed identically on all member elements. Automatic links are created between the aggregate and elements.
Following are descriptions of the slots associated with salt.
 Inflow Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration associated with the inflow to the Distribution Canal
I/O: Input, set by a rule, output or propagated via a link
 Inflow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt mass associated with the inflow to the Distribution Canal
I/O: Output only
 Outflow Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration associated with the outflow from the Distribution Canal
I/O: Input, set by a rule, output or propagated via a link
 Outflow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt mass associated with the outflow from the Distribution Canal
I/O: Output Only
 Delivered Flow Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration associated with the delivered flow from the Distribution Canal
I/O: Typically output and set to the routed inflows salt concentration. But, it could be input or set by a rule.
 Delivered Flow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt mass associated with the delivered flow from the Distribution Canal
I/O: Output Only
 Return Flow Salt Concentration
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration associated with the return flow to the Distribution Canal
Information: When there are multiple links to this slot, the subslots will be shown. The first column is the sum column, which is not relevant as these are concentrations not mass.
I/O: Typically propagated from the linked object. If not linked, it can be input, set by a rule or it will default to zero.
 Return Flow Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt mass associated with the return flow to the Distribution Canal
Information: Output Only
I/O: Not Linkable
 Seepage Salt Concentration
Type: Series Slot
Units: Concentration
Description: Salt concentration of the Seepage
I/O: Input, set by a rule, or propagated across a link.
 Seepage Salt Mass
Type: Series Slot
Units: Mass
Description: Salt Mass of the Seepage
I/O: Output only
User Methods
There are no water quality user methods on the Distribution Canal.
Note:  There is not a separate water quality routing method. The selected flow routing method is used to determine the water quality routing dispatch method.
Revised: 11/11/2019