Tennessee Valley |
The Tennessee Valley Authority uses RiverWare in simulation and optimization modes for daily scheduling of more than 40 reservoirs and hydroplants at a six-hour timestep. Their operating considerations include controlling floods, maintaining navigable depths, protecting aquatic communities, providing suitable levels and releases for recreation, and achieving economical hydropower generation schedules. |
Colorado River |
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has replaced both its long-term policy and planning model (Colorado River Simulation System) and its mid-term operations model (24-Month Study) for the Colorado River with RiverWare rulebased simulation models. These models are used for policy negotiations, to estimate future salinity mitigation needs, as well as to set the monthly target operations for the entire river basin. |
Upper Rio Grande |
An interagency team including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Geological Survey has applied RiverWare's rulebased simulation and water accounting to a daily timestep Upper Rio Grande Water Operations Model (URGWOM). The model tracks native water and San Juan-Chama transbasin diversion water to fulfill compact deliveries, international treaty obligations, Indian water rights, and private rights and contracts. |
San Juan Basin |
An operations model of the San Juan River Basin in Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico has been developed in a joint Bureau of Reclamation and USGS effort. The model is driven by operating policies to meet water supply demands, flood control, target storages, and filling criteria in its reservoirs as well as improved habitat for the endangered humpback chub and Colorado squawfish. |
☼ Last edited
October 16, 2015 ☼