As you build a model, select the appropriate methods for modeling physical processes on each feature. Changing the processes for a different application is as easy as selecting and de-selecting items on a menu. Some of RiverWare's generic features and their physical processes are:
Storage Reservoir:
Calculates mass balance, including evaporation, precipitation and bank storage, releases, regulated and unregulated spill; and sediment accumulation.
Power Reservoir:
Calculates storage reservoir processes plus turbine releases, hydropower and energy and tailwater elevation.
Slope Power Reservoir:
Calculates storage and power reservoir processes plus wedge storage reservoir routing.
Pump Storage Reservoir:
Calculates power reservoir processes plus pumping power and energy.
Inline Pump/Generator:
Calculates pumping/generating power and energy and turbine/pump flow.
River Reach:
Routes flow and calculates gains and losses.
Calculates mass balance at a river confluence.
River Gage:
Reflects measured or forecasted flows.
Water Users:
Calculates depletion (consumption), groundwater and surface water return flow.
Aggregates water users and models simple diversions.
Models gravity or pumped diversion structure.
Aggregate Delivery Canal:
Models off-line delivery canals.
Groundwater Storage:
Models temporary aquifer storage for return flows.