Hydropower Management at TVA with RiverWare Suzanne Biddle, Tennessee Valley Authority The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) owns and operates 49 dams in the Tennessee Valley. 29 of these dams produce hydropower. TVA utilizes RiverWare to economically schedule releases from each of these dams. Each day, pool elevations, outflows, and energy are scheduled for up to 14 days using a 6-hour timestep optimization model. An hourly timestep optimization model is used to schedule hydropower generation for the next 2 days. In addition to the 29 hydropower plants owned by TVA, 4 projects owned and operated by ALCOA and 9 projects owned and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Nashville District are also scheduled by TVA personnel. As part of the economic scheduling of hydropower, many non-economic reservoir operating objectives must first be satisfied. These included minimum flows, flood storage space, and minimum pool elevations for navigation. TVA uses a long term cost forecast to allocate water for the 14 day forecast period. A more refined hourly block cost forecast is then used by RiverWare to determine which hours of operation are most economic. Future development by TVA will include the replacement of an existing long term planning model by RiverWare as well as enhancing the capability of RiverWare to economically schedule ancillary services.