2006 RiverWare User Group Meeting
at the Boulder Marriott -- March
7-8, 2006
Flatirons in Winter
Presentations Online Registration Marriott Reservations

Evaluating Alternatives for the Carlsbad Project Water Operations and Water Supply Conservation DEIS with the Pecos River RiverWare Model

Craig Boroughs

The Pecos River RiverWare model was used to analyze alternatives for the Carlsbad Project Water Operations and Water Supply Conservation Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The DEIS was prepared by the Albuquerque Area Office of the Bureau of Reclamation and the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in regards to proposed changes to operations of Sumner Dam to conserve the Pecos bluntnose shiner (shiner). Proposed actions included bypasses at Sumner Dam to target downstream flows, constraints on block releases from Sumner Dam, and Carlsbad Project water acquisition (CPWA) to mitigate the impact of the changes on the Carlsbad Project water supply. Rulebased simulations were completed for each NEPA alternative, and results were analyzed to evaluate the impact of each alternative on flows in critical habitat for the shiner along with the occurrence of intermittency (no flow). Model results were also used to compute the additional depletions, or net depletions, to the Carlsbad Project water supply resulting from the proposed actions. Separate simulations were completed with select CPWA options to evaluate the efficiency of each option at reducing the net depletions to the Carlsbad Project water supply. Model output was also used to evaluate changes to flows at the New Mexico-Texas State-line. A Record of Decision from this study is expected in August of 2006.

CADSWES - Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems
cadswes.colorado.edu -- edit February 23, 2006 -- e-mail webmaster