2006 RiverWare User Group Meeting
at the Boulder Marriott -- March
7-8, 2006
Flatirons in Winter
Presentations Online Registration Marriott Reservations

Corps Of Engineers Southwest Division Modeling And Riverware Enhancements

John Daylor, Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District

The Corps of Engineers, Southwest Division and associated District offices are responsible for regulation of numerous multipurpose reservoirs. These purposes include, but not limited to, flood control, navigation, M&I, WQ, recreation, and fish & wildlife. During the late 1960's and early 70's the need was identified for the development of a period of record basin simulation program to analyze these purposes with a system approach as well as effects of proposed operational variations, new reservoirs, and fine tuning. The basin simulation program SUPER was developed and maintained for 30+ years by Ronald L. Hula, Corps of Engineer Southwest Division. Mr. Hula retired in year 2000 and the Southwest Division Districts evaluated and selected the operational program RiverWare for SUPER replacement. RiverWare, however, required some enhancements to follow SUPER program logic. SUPER's flood control methods have been successfully incorporated into RiverWare. At present, CADSWES staff is concentrating on developing new methods in RiverWare for conservation pool operations that also follow SUPER approach. These include hydropower, M&I and WQ analysis from multiple reservoir configuration with a balance approach, and framework for statistical analysis of output on RiverWare's data object. Other ongoing CADSWES efforts for RiverWare include embedded DSS DMI, RiverWare and Corps of Engineer CWMS program integration, improved runtime performance, and additional statistics applications. Several SUPER basin models exist in Southwest Division Corps Districts that will require transition to RiverWare. This effort is ongoing by the Districts with assistance from a procedure developed by CADSWES to populate RiverWare series, table, and scalar slots from data used in SUPER. SUPER is being minimally used in the interim, however, anticipate SUPER simulation will be operationally replaced by RiverWare in summer 2006. In the near future, RiverWare will be used by Southwest Division Corps Districts for M&I, WQ, and reallocation of project storages investigations as well as Tulsa District's real time Taper program, and multi-Corps Division and District Red River basin master manual update.

CADSWES - Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems
cadswes.colorado.edu -- edit February 28, 2006 -- e-mail webmaster