The RiverWare team at CADSWES invites you to the 2010 RiverWare
Users Group Meeting on Wednesday and Thursday, February 10th and 11th .
RiverWare users from across the United States
will come together to discuss applications, learn about new tools being
developed at CADSWES, share experiences, and make suggestions for enhancements.
The attendees will include the CADSWES R&D team, and RiverWare users
from water management agencies, utilities and research institutions, as well as
consultants who use RiverWare.. |
The capabilities of RiverWare expand every year, and by attending this
year's meeting, you can:
- Hear how other attendees are utilizing these advances in creative
and effective ways;
- Learn new aspects of the software that will facilitate meeting your
river and reservoir management challenges;
- Fine-tune your project planning by knowing what enhancements are
scheduled or already under development at CADSWES; and
- Give us your feedback on how we are meeting your modeling needs and
what research directions could benefit your organization in the future.
Currently, arrangements for lodging have been made with two hotels: |
Best Western Boulder Inn - call 800-233-8469 and reference code "RIVERWARE". The cost is $79 for a room with one King bed. Rates or availability of rooms are not guaranteed after January 10th. |
Boulder Outlook Hotel & Suites - call 800-272-6232 and reference code "RiverWare." The cost is $74/night (some restrictions apply). |
This year's meeting is being held on the Boulder campus of the University of Colorado, at the University Memorial Center. We will be providing options for parking.
The meeting starts Wednesday, February 10th (check-in begins at noon, meeting is 1-5pm) and goes through Thursday, February 11th (breakfast begins at 7:30am, and the meeting is from 8am-5pm).
All of the past RiverWare Users Group Meetings
have been highly attended and beneficial to both RiverWare users and
developers. This is a unique opportunity for RiverWare users to discuss
the latest advances, and we encourage everyone to attend.
Comprehensive registration & lodging information, as well as a preliminary meeting agenda, will be available through this page in December 2009. Gwen Colby will be sending an email to indicate when the information is accessible.
Questions? Please
contact Gwen Colby by phone (303 492-3972), or
. |