2015 RiverWare User Group Meeting Colorado River
NCAR/UCAR Center Green Campus Auditorium
  Tuesday, February 3, 8am - 5pm
  Wednesday, February 4, 8am – 12:30pm
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Modeling the impacts of Climate Change to Reservoirs, Water Users, and Environmental Flows in the Red River Basin
Cody Hudson, PE - INTERA, Inc.
RiverWare is being used to model major reservoirs and rivers in the Red River Basin as part of the South Central Climate Science Center’s (SCCSC) - Impacts of Climate Change on Flows in the Red River Basin project. This project uses downscaled global climate model data along with a VIC hydrologic model to produce inputs for the RiverWare model. Six different climate scenarios are being modeled in order to evaluate a range of possible future climates with varying emission scenarios. The results from this project will help planners and local stake holders assess the risk of future flooding and drought in the basin. This presentation will discuss the many challenges associated with creating the model, the sources of data used, and different techniques that were used to develop the model as efficiently as possible.
Click HERE for a PDF version of the presentation slides.
☼ CADSWES.colorado.edu ☼ Last edited February 16, 2015

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