2018 RiverWare User Group Meeting Colorado River
NCAR/UCAR Center Green Campus Auditorium
  Thursday, February 1, 8am–5pm
  Friday, February 2, 8am–Noon
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Coupling RiverWare and StateMod for Simulating Water Banking in the Colorado River Basin

  Taylor Adams and John Carron—Hydros Consulting, Inc.

Water banking in the Colorado River Basin is an important concept for drought mitigation that involves both unique water-rights constraints, and complex policy-driven system operations.  StateMod is an excellent modeling framework for representing water-rights administration in Colorado, but it does not currently include many tools to implement reactive operational policies.  The Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) RiverWare model includes representations of policy-driven operations throughout the Colorado River Basin, but the representation of the State of Colorado, particularly in terms of water rights administration, is less detailed than that of StateMod.  A methodology for combining the strengths of both StateMod and CRSS is presented here, along with some preliminary results from water banking scenarios modeled using the combined framework.

Click HERE for a PDF version of the presentation slides.

☼ CADSWES.colorado.edu ☼ Last edited February 6, 2018

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