2018 RiverWare User Group Meeting Colorado River
NCAR/UCAR Center Green Campus Auditorium
  Thursday, February 1, 8am–5pm
  Friday, February 2, 8am–Noon
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Operator and Modeler Collaboration on Truckee-Carson River Operations Using Ensembles

  David Wathen—Deputy TROA Administrator, and Caleb Erkman—Precision Water Resources Engineering

Implementation of the new Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) began in December of 2015. The first year of TROA began on the heels of the driest year on record. The second year of TROA saw a complete shift in conditions – proving to be the wettest year on record in many respects such as total precipitation, annual runoff and total annual gains in basin storage levels. Given the diverse hydrological conditions and the complexity of TROA, the RiverWare TROA Operations model was relied upon by water managers to provide probabilistic decision support information. In this presentation, Mr. Erkman will discuss the system employed to transform the RiverWare model into an uncertainty propagation tool, as well as the utilities that have been developed to visualize, quantify, and compare ensemble results. Finally, Mr. Wathen will discuss specific examples of using the ensemble comparison utilities to support decision making in reservoir operations under the diverse hydrological conditions and the newly implemented Truckee River Operating Agreement.

Click HERE for a PDF version of the presentation slides.

☼ CADSWES.colorado.edu ☼ Last edited February 8, 2018

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