2025 RiverWare User Group Meeting Wednesday, February 5, 9am–5pm
Thursday, February 6, 8:30am–12:30pm
Overview of the TROA Planning Enabled Operations Project in the Truckee River Basin
Caleb Erkman—U.S. District Court Water Master’s Office; Patrick Noe—Precision Water Resources Engineering
While the Truckee Basin is relatively small in geographic extent, its history has been full of conflict over the valuable and limited water resources it provides. This has led to detailed policy defining how the river is to be operated, culminating in the recent adoption of the Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) in 2015. To administer TROA, the United States District Court Water Master’s Office (USWM) needs a variety of complex technical tools such as the TROA Operations and Accounting RiverWare Model to perform detailed daily accounting of past operations in the basin as well as provide basin stakeholders with up-to-date forecasts of basin conditions. Alongside the TROA Operations and Accounting RiverWare Model, the Bureau of Reclamation Lahontan Basin Area Office (LBAO) has maintained a similar, but separate RiverWare model known as the TROA Planning RiverWare Model, designed for basin stakeholders to perform long term planning studies to assess the impact of differing future conditions and operations on their water supply reliability.

While each of these RiverWare models provide unique and essential value to water management in the Truckee Basin, maintaining coordination on model development between the two models became cumbersome and inefficient—opening the door for inconsistencies in results between the two models. As a result, the USWM, the LBAO, and Precision Water Resources Engineering partnered to complete the Planning Enabled Operations (PEO) Project that merges the functionality of the separate models into one model known as the TROA Model. This model allows users to quickly transition from Accounting/Operations style RiverWare runs to Planning style RiverWare runs with the advantage that the two share one RiverWare workspace and RPL Logic.

This presentation highlights the benefits of implementing PEO in the TROA Model over the previous paradigm, details the strategy of implementing this level of flexibility within the RiverWare modeling framework, and discusses the lessons learned throughout the implementation process.
☼ CADSWES.colorado.edu ☼ Last edited January 14, 2025