Output Devices
This section describes changes to RiverWare Output and Plotting.
Plotting: Mouse Button Actions
Mouse-wheel and button operations have been added to plots to improve panning and scrolling navigation.
• Mouse-wheel scrolling over the plot area zooms the plot in or out on all axes.
• Mouse-wheel scrolling over an axis scrolls only that axis. This single axis scroll not only improves ease of zooming a single axis, but also introduces a new capability of zooming an x or y plot axis independently from its opposing x or y axis, if one exists.
• Middle-mouse button click-and-drag action on the plot area pans the plot using a closed-hand cursor.
Output Canvas
Following are new features in the Output Canvas.
Export to Video
The Output Canvas animation can now be exported to a video file (MP4, WEBM, WMV, or GIF). See
Export Video in Output Utilities and Data Visualization for more information.
Flow Line Legend
On the Output Canvas, you can now show a Flow Line Legend as part of a Flow Line Group. The legend provides a key to the defined intervals on the Flow Line Group and sample line thicknesses corresponding to values.
Figure 6.3 shows an output canvas with Flow Lines and a Flow Line Legend. See
Flow Line Legend in Output Utilities and Data Visualization for details.
Figure 6.3 Output Canvas that includes a Flow Line Legend