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Debugging and Analysis : Diagnostics : Workspace Diagnostics
Workspace Diagnostics
Note:  This document is under development.
Table 3.5 summarizes the types of messages that are displayed when a Diagnostic Group is selected.
Table 3.5    
Super Group
Diagnostics Group
Type of diagnostics issued
Model Load/Save:
Data Management
DMI Management
DMI Invoke
DMI Dataset
DMI Slot
Rule DMI
Workspace Management:
Controller Management:
Any changes to controller settings:
Controller set to "Rulebased Simulation".
Rule Management
Subbasin Management
Any changes in Subbasin management
Add subBasin ("New Subbasin 1").
Object Management
Any changes to an Object on the workspace
OBJECT: MuddyLake: Rename object to "MuddyReservoir".
Slot Management
Link Management
Dependency Management
Name Map Management
MRM Run Management
MRM Rule Execution
For the iterative MRM ruleset, this prints information on MRM rule, timestep, and slot. This is similar information to Rule Execution; see Rule Execution.
MRM RPL Function Execution
For the iterative MRM ruleset, prints before and after execution diagnostics for user and predefined functions. This provides similar information to Function Execution diagnostics; seeFunction Execution.
MRM RPL Print Statements
For the iterative MRM ruleset, this allows print statements to post diagnostics. This is similar information to Print Statement; see Print Statements.
Expr. Slot Execution
Expression slot execution diagnostics are printed for expression slots that are evaluated outside of a run by selecting Evaluation, then Evaluate on the slot or Control, then Evaluate Expression Slots from the workspace.
Note: There is no timestep filtering on the workspace diagnostics, so these diagnostics will print a message for all timesteps in which the expression slot evaluates.
Expression evaluated to 624.00 [1000 acre-ft]
Expr. Slot Function Execution
Evaluation of RPL functions called by expression slots evaluated outside of a run. Diagnostics messages are printed for function execution (both user defined and predefined). “Before Execution” function diagnostics show the function being called and the arguments passed into the function. “After Execution” function diagnostics show the value that the function evaluated to and whether or not the value was constrained.
Note: Function diagnostics also need to be enabled on the functions themselves. This can be done through the Function Editor dialog (for enabling diagnostics on individual functions) or by selecting Set, then Function Diagnostics from the main Set Editor (for enabling or disabling function diagnostics for all functions in the set). The Expression Slot Set editor is accessed from the Workspace Policy, then Open Expression Slot RPL Set. See Function Diagnostics for details on configuring the diagnostics. See Series Slots With Expression in User Interface for details on expression slots.
SumFlowsToVolume($”Mountain Storage.Inflow”, @”Start Timestep”, @”t”)
“SumFlowsToVolume” evaluated to: 274839.74 [“m3”].
Script Execution
For Scripts, print when a script starts and finishes and information about each action.
Opt. Restore Point Management
Diagnostic messages about the import/export of an Optimization Restore Point from/to a file (see Restore Point in Optimization for details)
Optimization restore point “Blue River Restore Point” imported from C:\RiverWareFiles\BlueRiverRestorePoint.orp.
Time to export restore point - total: 1.8 s.
Revised: 01/11/2023