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Water Quality
The following changes have been made to Water Quality methods.
Reach Diversion Salt Concentration
The Reach Mass Balance Salinity method and associated water quality dispatch methods were modified to allow the Diversion Salt Concentration or a linked slot to be input or set by a rule. Previously, only the Reach Diversion Salt Concentration was allowed to be input or set by a rule. This was inconvenient as some users wanted to specify the value on the linked water user object. The method was modified so that now the linked slot can be input or set by a rule and the Reach will correctly use the value.
See Solve Out Salt Given In Salt in Water Quality and other reach water quality dispatch methods for more information.
Salt Mass Slots
Two new slots were added to display the computed salt mass on Water Users as part of a sequential Aggregate Diversion Site:
• Water User.Outgoing Salt Mass
• Aggregate Diversion Site.Total Unused Salt Mass
Automatic links are created from the last element's Water User.Outgoing Salt Mass to the Aggregate Diversion Site.Total Unused Salt Mass.
Revised: 01/11/2023