Optimization Units and Scaling
Optimization computations are carried out in the same RiverWare standard units used for Simulation computations with one difference. As with Simulation, values are converted automatically from display units to internal units for computations, but for Optimization, that internal conversion might also include scaling. For example, storage volumes in standard units are often on the order of 109m3, whereas elevation changes might be on the order of 10‑1m. Introducing variables with such a wide range of magnitudes can lead to instability in an Optimization solution. Storage and elevation values are therefore scaled when added to the Optimization problem so that they will tend to be of similar orders of magnitude.
RiverWare determines how to scale values based on their unit types, and all conversions are carried out internally. The unit scaling is specified in the Optimization Run Parameters. To modify the unit scaling, in the Run Control, set the controller to
Optimization. Then select
View then
Optimization Run Parameters. In the Optimization Run Parameters dialog box, select
Set CPLEX and Goal Parameters. In the Set Optimization Solver Parameters dialog box, select the tree-view arrow for
RiverWare Units, and select the desired unit type.
Table A.1 shows the default unit scaling for each unit type. Unit types not listed will always use the standard RiverWare internal units.
Table A.1 Optimization Units - Default Scaling Values
Unit Type | Parameter | Default Scale (with standard unit) |
None (dimenisionless) | UNITS SCALE NOUNITS | 1 |
Length | UNITS SCALE LENGTH | 10 m |
Area | UNITS SCALE AREA | 1e7 m2 |
Volume | UNITS SCALE VOLUME | 1e8 m3 |
Flow | UNITS SCALE FLOW | 1000 cms |
Power | UNITS SCALE POWER | 1000 MW |
Energy | UNITS SCALE ENERGY | 1000 MWH |
Time | UNITS SCALE TIME | 1e5 s |
Money | UNITS SCALE VALUE | 1e5 $ |
PowerPerFlow | UNITS SCALE POWER PER FLOW | 1 MW/cms |
FlowPerTime | UNITS SCALE FLOW PER TIME | 1e-2 cmss |
Velocity | UNITS SCALE VELOCITY | 1e-4 m/s |
PowerPerTime | UNITS SCALE POWER PER TIME | 1e-2 MW/s |
FlowSquared | UNITS SCALE FLOW SQUARED | 1e6 m6/s2 |
VolumeSquared | UNITS SCALE VOLUME SQUARED | 1e16 m6 |
Ideally the scaling is such that coefficients on variables in the internal representation of the optimization problem are close to 1.0, within one or two orders of magnitude. Very small coefficients in particular can lead to numeric instability. The default unit scaling values generally result in reasonable scaling for most RiverWare optimization models with a timestep of 1 Hour or 6 Hour. The user, therefore, does not typically need to be concerned with scaling unless the timestep is larger or smaller. For example, for a model with a 5 Minute timestep, it may be necessary to decrease the Time unit scaling by a factor of 10 or 100. When the Time scaling is reduced by a factor of 10, other scaling adjustments are required for consistency.
• Area, Volume: Reduce by a factor of 10
• Volume Squared: Reduce by a factor of 100
• FlowPerTime, PowerPerTime, Velocity: Increase by a factor of 10
If Time scaling is increased, the direction of the other adjustments needs to be reversed.
Knowledge of the unit scaling may also be necessary when viewing the full LP problem generated for debugging purposes.Values in the LP text file will be the scaled values. For assistance with questions about scaling, contact RiverWare Support: