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Accounting : Account Reference : Diversion Account : Account Solution Equations
Account Solution Equations
Diversion accounts solve for Depletion and/or Return Flow when Diversion is known. Return Flows may be lagged by an integral number of timesteps or using an impulse response approach based on the selected Return Flow Route or Split method. See Depletion and Return Flow Route or Split for details.
The methods in the following categories influence the solution of the Diversion account:
Figure 2.4 shows the structure and flow of information for each selection.
Figure 2.4  Diversion Account structure
Account Solution Details  
The Diversion account solution uses the following process.
Required Known Slots
• Diversion
1. Execute the selected method in the Return Flow Calculation category. This will typically compute a temporary variable called tempReturnFlow[t]. See Return Flow Calculation for descriptions of these methods. If not already known, compute Depletion[t]:
2. Then, if it is not the Begin Accrual Date:
3. If it is the Begin Accrual Date
4. Execute the selected method in the Return Flow Route or Split category. These methods take the tempReturnFlow[t] and route it and/or split it. The result is set in the returnFlow or Returned Flows slot. See returnFlow or Returned Flows, and Return Flow Route or Split for details.
Revised: 12/06/2024