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General Slots
Figure 2.6 shows the slots on the passthrough account. The arrows leading into and out of the account represent supplies. The “m” indicates the slot is a multi-slot, which can be linked to more than one other slot, as represented by the multiple arrows.
Figure 2.6  Slots on the passthrough account
Table 2.5 shows the slots that exist on a passthrough account on each of the possible objects.
Table 2.5  Passthrough account objects
Object Type
Slots on Passthrough Accounts
Slot Inflow
Gain Loss
Return Flow
Lag Time
Temp Available for Appropriation
Bifurcation Confluence
Slot Inflow
Control Point
Slot Inflow
Return Flow
Slot Inflow
Temp Available for Appropriation
Storage Reservoir
Slow Inflow
Return Flow
Temp Available for Appropriation
Transfers In
Transfer Out
Storage (Optional)
Level Power Reservoir
Slow Inflow
Return Flow
Temp Available for Appropriation
Transfers In
Transfer Out
Storage (Optional)
Slot Inflow
Transfer In
Transfer Out
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: Water leaving the passthrough account to a linked Diversion account
I/O: Input, Rule, or Propagated
 Gain Loss
Type: Series Slot
Units: Volume
Alternate Units: Flow
Description: A gain or loss due to local effects including evaporation, seepage, precipitation. This gain or loss represents this account’s allocation of the physical loss on the simulation object. A gain is positive, a loss is negative.
I/O: Input, Rules, Object-level Accounting Method, or Account Solution (if a gain loss coefficient is defined).
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: Water transferred into this account from upstream
I/O: Propagated
 Lag Time
Type: Scalar
Units: time
Alternate Units: NA
Description: Scalar slot defining the lag between net inflows (Inflow, Slot Inflow minus Diversion) and Outflow. See Account Solution Equations for lag routing solution detail.
Note: The water rights allocation solver requires that Lag Time be in integral number of timesteps.
I/O: Optional Input
 Local Timestep Offset
Type: Scalar
Units: NONE
Alternate Units: NA
Description: Scalar slot used by water rights allocation solver. This slot defines, in number of timesteps after the current run timestep, the timestep on which all water rights solver computations will be done for this account and the accounts it supplies.
I/O: This slot value is computed, when necessary, by the computational subbasin that is used for a water rights allocation solution. It can be input, when desired, for accounts not set automatically. See Determine the Local Timesteps of the Rights for additional information on the use of this slot.
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: Water transferred out of this account downstream.
Note: This is not a multi-slot. On a passthrough account, there can be zero or one outflow supply leading out of the account
I/O: Typically Account Solution. On storage enabled reservoir account: Account Solution, Input, or Rule
 Return Flow
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: Water entering the passthrough account as return flow from a diversion account
I/O: Input, Rules, or Propagated
 Slot Inflow
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: Water added to the account from a local source. This inflow represents this account’s allocation of the physical local inflows on the simulation object. If there is a non-zero Lag Time on the account, the Slot Inflow must be zero
I/O: Input, Rules, or Object-level Accounting Method
Type: Series Slot
Units: Volume
Alternate Units: NA
Description: Storage balance in the account. The Storage slot is instantiated only if the Allow Storage toggle is selected in the account configuration. See Account Solution Equations for details on the solution algorithm when using storage.
I/O: Input, Rules, or Account Solution
 Temp Available For Appropriation
Type: Series Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: Used by the water rights allocation solver to specify the amount available to allocate. Typically, this is the sum of the following account slots: inflows, slot inflows, transfers in, and storage, subtracting diversion and transfers out, each as applicable to the object on which the passthrough resides. For example, storage is only applicable on storage or level power reservoirs for which Allow Storage is activated. It is the Volume in the account before loss and lag are applied and before return flows are added. Temp Available For Appropriation is a temporary slot and is not stored in the model file.
I/O: Account Solution
 Transfers In
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: Transfers into the account from an account on the same object. This slot is only available on gage and reservoir objects.
I/O: Input, Propagated, or Rules
 Transfers Out
Type: Multi Slot
Units: Flow
Alternate Units: Volume
Description: Transfers out of this account to an account on the same object. This slot is only available on gage and reservoir objects.
I/O: Input, Propagated, or Rules
Revised: 12/06/2024