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The following changes were made to the Workspace.
Changes to Workspace Settings
As part of the new Settings Manager (describe in Settings Manager), the following settings behavior was changed:
• Only a single set of initial appearance settings is saved instead of one per view. See Initial Workspace Appearance in User Interface for more information.
• The Lock Objects on Model Load in the Settings Manager only applies when RiverWare is opened. See Locking Models in User Interface.
• The lock button in the corner of the workspace only applies to the current session. Use the setting in the Settings Manager to set the lock status at model load. See Lock Icon Position Controls in User Interface.
• The Setting Location on the Canvas Display pages is now model-wide instead of per-view. See Canvas Display in User Interface.
• The Synchronize Series Slot Scrolling in the slot dialogs and SCT only apply to the current session. To start with a particular setting for Synchronize Series Slot Scrolling on model load, use the option in the Settings Manager. See Synchronize Series Slot Scrolling in User Interface.
Workspace Dockable Panels Location Persistence
The workspace has four docked panels:
• Object List
• Run Controls
• Tool Bar
• Animation Controls
Previously, these were shown on model load and their location was pre-determined. Now the Settings Manager allows you to control which panels you want to see and their location. The visibility and position when configured in the Settings Manager is now persistent via the settings file.
Figure 1.16  Settings Manager showing the Dockable Panels Initial Appearance
See Dockable Panels in User Interface for more information.
Revised: 12/06/2024