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This section describes changes to slot functionality.
Alt Units Toggle
A new Alt Units button was added to all Slot, Slot Viewer, SCT dialogs, and Edit Account dialogs that show flows or volumes.This new button allows you to display flow data as volumes, or vice versa. Figure 11.2 shows the new button on the Slot dialog.
Although similar functionality has previously existed on accounting dialogs, the new implementation of the Alt Units button supports an additional Standard mode, in which values are displayed using their native unit type, without conversion.
Figure 11.2  Slot dialog showing the Alt Units menu
Statistical Table Slot—New “Monthly Medians By Year” Function
A new function was added to the Statistical Table Slot to compute Monthly Medians by Year. For each year, it computes the monthly median and the yearly median. Minimum, maximum, and average statistics are also reported on the monthly medians. See Monthly Medians By Year in User Interface for more information.
Revised: 01/10/2025