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Copy and paste guidelines
• Copy and paste slot values even when the SCT configuration is locked.
• As with other updates, pasted values are updated in the model itself, and you must save the model to preserve the new values.
• Copy values from only one slot at a time; similarly, you can paste to only one slot at a time. To copy from or paste to multiple slots, you must perform multiple operations.
• Paste values to a different slot only if the destination slot has the same unit type as the source slot.
• Similarly, paste values to slots in a different SCT, provided the unit types are the same.
• You cannot paste to read-only slots, such as expression slots and certain accounting system slots. Read-only slots are indicated by crosshatching in a user-defined Read-only color.
• In a default paste, non-Input values are pasted to the destination cells as NaNs, as follows.
– Best Efficiency (B), Drift (D), Max Capacity (M), and Unit Values (U) values are pasted to the destination cells as NaNs while retaining the source type flag.
– Other non-Input values are pasted as NaNs with an Output (O) flag.
• To paste all values as Input (I), you must explicitly specify the Paste Cells as Input option (or press Ctrl+N).
• The final timestep value of a Target Operation is copied to the destination with the Target (T) flag, and the Begin Target is pasted if an explicit Begin Target timestep was defined—but only if the entire Target Operation was included in the copied selection.
• Pasted values are assigned to the destination cells using standard units, which are then converted to display units. This means that if the source and target slots have different display units (cubic feet per second vs cubic meters per second, for example), the pasted values will appear to be different than the source values; the underlying quantities represented by the display values will be the same, however.
• Copy and paste operations use the RiverWare internal clipboard and therefore can be done within RiverWare only. To copy and paste values to and from external applications, see Exporting and Importing Slot Values.
• If you copy non-contiguous cells, the gaps are honored by the paste operation. The values are pasted in the same non-contiguous pattern, starting with the first target cell selected, and destination cells that correspond to gaps in the pattern are left unchanged. For example, if you copy every other cell for a total of three cells, the values are pasted to every other cell starting with the first target cell selected.
• In aggregated view, copying a summary cell copies the values of all timesteps in the aggregation interval.
• The ways values are pasted vary based on the number of values you are copying, the target selection, and whether aggregation is enabled in the SCT.
– Table 3.1 provides details about copying and pasting when aggregation is not enabled.
– Table 3.2 provides details about copying and pasting when aggregation is enabled.
Table 3.1  Copying and pasting values when aggregation is not enabled  
Copy source
Paste target
Paste result
One detail cell
One detail cell
Pastes the copied value to the selected timestep.
Multiple detail cells
Pastes the copied value to all selected timesteps.
Entire selected slot
Pastes the copied value to all timesteps in the slot.
Multiple detail cells
One or more detail cells
Pastes all copied values in sequence, starting with the first selected timestep.
If the copied cells are non-contiguous, the pattern is honored when pasted.
Entire selected slot
Pastes the values to the same timesteps from which they were copied.
Entire slot
One detail cell
Pastes all copied values in sequence, starting with the selected timestep.
Multiple detail cells
Not available
Entire slot
Pastes all values to the same timesteps from which they were copied.
Table 3.2  Copying and pasting values when aggregation is enabled  
Copy source
Paste target
Paste result
One detail cell
One detail cell
Pastes the copied value to the selected timestep.
Multiple detail cells; cells can be in different aggregation intervals.
Pastes the copied value to all selected timesteps.
One or more summary cells
Pastes the copied value to all timesteps in all selected aggregation intervals.
Entire slot
Pastes the copied value to all timesteps in the selected slot.
Multiple detail cells
One or more detail cells
Pastes all copied values in sequence, starting with the first selected timestep.
If the copied cells are non-contiguous, the pattern is honored when pasted.
One or more summary cells
Pastes all copied values in sequence, starting with the first timestep in the first aggregation interval.
If the copied cells are non-contiguous, the pattern is honored when pasted.
Entire selected slot
Pastes the values to the same timesteps from which they were copied.
One summary cell
One summary cell
Pastes all values in the copied aggregation interval to the selected interval.
Multiple summary cells
Pastes all values in the copied aggregation interval to the first selected interval only.
One or more detail cells
Pastes all values in the copied aggregation interval in sequence, starting with the first selected timestep.
Entire slot
Pastes all values to the same timesteps from which they were copied.
Multiple summary cells
One or more summary cells
Pastes all values in the copied aggregation intervals in sequence, starting with the first selected interval.
If the copied cells are non-contiguous, the pattern is honored when pasted.
Entire slot
Pastes all values to the same timesteps from which they were copied.
Entire slot
One detail cell
Pastes all values in sequence, starting with the selected timestep.
Multiple detail cells
Not available
One or more summary cells
Not available
Entire slot
Pastes all values to the same timesteps from which they were copied.
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Revised: 01/10/2025