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Special Attention Notes and Known Issues
The section describes special attention notes that indicate changes in functionality that require you to update models, cause model results to differ, or display a warning message when you first load a model in RiverWare Version 9.2.
If you have any questions, contact RiverWare Support:
Object-level Accounting Method Re-execution
Previously, object-level accounting methods (OLAMs) with the execution time of “Beg. of Timestep” registered simulation slot dependencies for the rulebased simulation controller and accounting slot dependencies for the accounting solution. Dependencies were not registered for accounting slots when the rulebased simulation controller was in effect. Thus, if a rule assigned a value to an accounting slot, for example Account.Slot Inflow or Account.Diversion, it would not cause the OLAM to re-execute. This issue was filed as RW-6916 (“Assignment to OLAM Dependency Slot Not Re-Triggering OLAM to Fire”).
This issue has been corrected; now both accounting and simulation slots are registered as dependencies for OLAMs using the “Beg. of Timestep” execution time.
There could be numerical differences due to OLAM re-execution. Although there were no numerical difference in any of the basin models analyzed, please test your accounting models for numerical differences.
Power Reservoir Turbine Capacity and Best Turbine Flow
Two new slots were added to the Plant Efficiency Curve method in the Power category on power reservoirs:
• Turbine Capacity: time series of the maximum possible turbine release. This is the turbine release that corresponds to the existing Hydro Capacity output.
• Best Turbine Flow: time series of the turbine release at the most efficient operating point. This is the turbine release corresponding to the existing Best Hydro Capacity output.
These two quantities were being computed by the iterative algorithm that computes Hydro Capacity and Best Hydro Capacity. Now, they are being set on slots as outputs only. The two new outputs do not otherwise change the Plant Efficiency Curve solution. See Plant Efficiency Curve in Objects and Methods for more information.
If you use the Plant Efficiency Curve Power method and functionality that accesses all series slots on the object, then results could change. This functionality includes the GetSeriesSlots RPL function, dynamic Slot Sets, and wild-carded slot selections in DMIs.
Revised: 01/10/2025