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User Interface : Settings Manager : Using the Settings Manager
Using the Settings Manager
This section describes some common tasks associated with the Settings Manager.
Finding a Setting using the Tree View
The left panel of the Settings Manager contains a hierarchical list of categories and pages of settings. Use the categories to find the relevant settings. Selecting the category will show the settings for the first page. Select sub pages to see their settings.
See Changing the Value of a Setting for the next step.
Searching for a Setting
If you don’t know where a setting is, you can find relevant settings using the Find functionality. Type a string in the box and the left side of the categories will be filtered to show only those with category names or settings that contain the string. For example, we’ve typed “Water Quality” in the search box and it then shows the Run Parameters page where Water Quality settings are displayed.
Selecting the page or category to show the settings on the right side.
Use the black X to clear the search term.
See Changing the Value of a Setting for the next step.
Changing the Value of a Setting
With a category or page selected on the left, the right side of the Settings Manager will show the possible settings. Change any of the desired settings. Select OK or Apply to enter those settings. The values will then be changed in the model and/or immediately written to the Settings File.
Note:  Model File settings are applied to the model but are only written to the model file when it is saved.
Revised: 01/10/2025